Monday, July 16, 2012

Noah x 2

Hudson has two buddies :)....and they are both named Noah :). There's Mr. Noah Lancaster (his 2 year old 2nd cousin) and Mr. Noah Clem.

Mr. Noah Lancaster
Mr. Noah Lancaster is Hudson's 2 year old 2nd cousin. Noah loves to take care of Hudson. Any time Hudson is upset Noah looks at us that like why aren't you taking care of him? Noah wants to give Hudson what he needs. :) He wants to make his baby cousin happy. Noah also love to hug aka squeeze Hudson which is so funny. Hudson is ok with it for a moment but then gets a little disoriented. I'm sure when Hudson gets older they will be squeezing each other all the time! :)

Mr. Noah Clem
Noah Clem is a sweet 8 month old of two of our friends Matt & Natalie Clem. The first time the boys hung out Noah was grabbing at Hudson and pulling on his pacifier. The 2nd time Noah and Hudson were both grabbing at each other and sharing toys. I think these two are going to be great friends too. We can't wait until the next play date!

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