Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our Little 6 Month Frog

Oh many new things this month. Where do I start? Our little booger is kind of crawling...squirming...falling...whatever you want to call it. He LOVES his tummy. He's rolling across the floor like a tornado. We're going to need to put up the gate soon. One things for sure is no quick runs down stairs without keeping an eye on this little tornado.

Still no teeth every once in awhile his gums irritate him...poor booger. He loves sleeping on his tummy too and takes all of his naps on his tummy but sleeps on his back at night (mainly because it scares me...haha).

Hudson squirms all over the place. This past week he has squirmed his way to his jumper and puts his hands up like he wants to get in it so that's what mommy does. :)

Another new funny thing...he wants to take his diaper off. such a goober. I think we're going to have a nudist in a couple of weeks and pee stains all over the carpet haha...or break out the duct tape.

Hudson is also making sounds like momma, dadda, bubba...but one day it sounded like he actually said daddy when he was looking at Karl. Sweet baby boy LOVES his daddy.

He also seems to be getting really attached to mommy and daddy. Cries when we leave the room for just a moment and then realizes he's ok. Not going to lie...kind of nice :)...sweetest baby in the world wants his mommy and daddy :).

Hudson went to his aunt Shelly's wedding this past weekend and was up a little later than normal. Mommy and daddy were able to steal a dance. Best feeling in the world! We love our little man more than everything in the world! Happy 6 month bubba!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Noah x 2

Hudson has two buddies :)....and they are both named Noah :). There's Mr. Noah Lancaster (his 2 year old 2nd cousin) and Mr. Noah Clem.

Mr. Noah Lancaster
Mr. Noah Lancaster is Hudson's 2 year old 2nd cousin. Noah loves to take care of Hudson. Any time Hudson is upset Noah looks at us that like why aren't you taking care of him? Noah wants to give Hudson what he needs. :) He wants to make his baby cousin happy. Noah also love to hug aka squeeze Hudson which is so funny. Hudson is ok with it for a moment but then gets a little disoriented. I'm sure when Hudson gets older they will be squeezing each other all the time! :)

Mr. Noah Clem
Noah Clem is a sweet 8 month old of two of our friends Matt & Natalie Clem. The first time the boys hung out Noah was grabbing at Hudson and pulling on his pacifier. The 2nd time Noah and Hudson were both grabbing at each other and sharing toys. I think these two are going to be great friends too. We can't wait until the next play date!

Little Love of My Life

I just have to say that I'm absolutely in love with this little man. I've never fully understood how amazing it was to have a child of my own until this little man came in my life. There's nothing in the world like this. He's so beautiful and so much fun. I miss him when he falls asleep and can't wait to play with him the next morning. Don't get me wrong...I need and love my sleep (haha)...but there's nothing better than spending time with this little love of my life. I write him emails (if you want to email him let me know and I'll send you his email address) and I'm in tears when I write him letters. He's probably going to think his mommy is crazy one day but I can tell you one thing for sure. He will NEVER wonder if I love him or question how much. He has my whole heart!
I always love holding my bubba. I know one day he will want to run around like crazy so I'm soaking in all of this wonderful time I have. Even putting him to sleep at night is the best feeling in the world. Feeling his tummy expand on my tummy as he breaths and being able to look down right at him and give him a kiss on his head. This is the stuff I hope I never forget. There's nothing like a sweet angel baby sleeping on you.
Ok before I sound too crazy to all of you peeps. I'm just one crazy in love mommy. I love love love my little man. Who's turning 6 months tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sweet Baby Boy 5 Months 6.17.2012

You know how his Dr said a few months ago that when he starts walking I have my hands full? Boy was she wrong. This boy can't walk but is so close to crawling. He wants to go go go but can't yet. I tell him that I'd let him get down but he can't go anywhere haha like he knows what I'm saying. He is my little spazz. He absolutely loves tummy time now. In fact, as soon as you put him down he rolls right onto his tummy and doesn't want you to flip him over. He also squirms across the carpet to get toys that you can't hand to him. He has to get it himself. No help please! :) He only wants to be held sometimes and wants to be at others. Always smiling and laughing is so much fun. It's so amazing watching him grown and change so quickly right before my eyes. Hudson loves to stand up on his feet and looks so proud when he does. He also loves to get up on all fours and think about moving forward but just works himself backwards or wiggles his way. I'm thinking he will be crawling very soon. Hudson also loves to go to the pool and loves to watch other people splash and have fun. He's very interested in things that aren't right in front of him. Always peering around mommy or daddy to see what's on the other side. He's taking in so much. It's awesome. He got to see his girlfriend Georgia Ferguson for the first time this month and was pulling on her shirt. Travis says no more ruffles for Georgia. Our little boy was crazy about her and her shirt :)

Sweet Baby Boy 4 Months 5/17/12

Ahhhh the month of all smiles and giggles. Or at least when it started. All I had to do was tickle my baby and he'd laugh. Karl got him to laugh for the first time in Louisiana at the end of April and then we had been trying so hard for him to do it again. Sure enough I found a way to get him. His laugh is like music to my ears. He also started growling which is absolutely hilarious. The sleeping really got good this month but lasted just this month haha. He would sleep from 8:30 PM, wake up at 6:30 to eat and then back to bed until 9! Oh how I miss those days. We started plain cereal after his 4 month doctor's appointment and he did great! He starts smacking those lips as soon as he sees the spoon. Hudson also found his toes this month and like his hands we couldn't get them out of his mouth. Such a cutie pie. He rolled over once for Karl and once for KK so I started working on it with him every morning....more to come in the 5 month blog :) Hudson also took his first trip this month to Louisiana to see his great great grandma. He did so great! Our little one is not what you would call a chunkster and we finally realize why on this trip. We left at 7 PM so that booger could sleep on our way and we wouldn't interrupt his sleep schedule too much. He spent a lot more time in a car sleeping this trip and put on several ounces more than normal because he wasn't moving around like the little ball of energy that he is. This boy burns more calories than you can put in him. At this month's Dr's appointment she said that he was as active as a 6 month old! My sweet active angel baby!

Sweet Baby Boy 3 Months Old 4/17/12

Ahhh we've discovered our hands and we don't want to take them out of our mouth haha. He loves his hands. I think his teeth/gums starting bothering him this month because I don't remember him taking his hands out of his mouth for any length of time. Also, another great accomplishment. My booger slept until 7:30! Hallelujah! I finally get more than 3 hours of sleep! He also started taking power naps after every feeding. He sleeps for 30 minutes and then is up ready for the next 3 hours. There's also the pee shivers. Absolutely hilarious. He's been doing this since this month and I finally put it together when his diaper got warm right after he did it..haha. He definitely loved to reach things at this point. He wants anything and everything that is out of his reach and doesn't want you to give it to him. He wants to get it himself! Hudson has his first play date with Noah Clem this month and I think these two are going to be great friends too. Melts my heart!!! He smiles and laughs when I sing to him. We are two peas in a pod. Little love of my life :)

Sweet baby boy 2 months old

My sweet angel turned 2 months old on 3/17/2012. And this month he really started to smile at me. Talk about wanting to cry every time your child smiles at me. I may be a little extreme but everything he does brings tears to my eyes. Yes...I will be that proud mom who thinks everything their child does is amazing...haha. How could you possibly not? Hudson also tried SOOO hard this month to raise his head when we changed his diaper. He's been trying to sit up on his own since then. He raises his eyebrows as if they are going to give him a magical power to get's soooo cute. He's ready to go places his body can't yet take him. His doctor told me that when he starts walking I have my hands full. :) I wouldn't expect it to be any different :). He's absolutely amazing and I'm ready to keep up :)

Sweet Baby Boy 1 Month

My sweet baby boy turned 1 month on 2/17/12 and boy what a fun first month that was. Seemed to fly by super fast. Each month gets more and more fun but I find myself daydreaming about how it all started. I want to hold onto the thought for as long as I can :). Hudson didn't sleep more than 3 hours at a time through his first month and lot of that sleeping was done right in my arms (while I didn't sleep haha). I wouldn't have traded anything for the absolute wonderful feeling that you get when holding your precious baby in your arms. Even if you are delirious from not sleeping haha. At one month old our little booger was copying us and sticking his tongue out at us when we'd do it to him. He seems to forgot how to do that now and has moved on to other things but it amazed us :) His cousin Noah has been in love with him from day 1. He can't keep up with Noah yet but when this boy starts running these two are going to be inseparable.


1.17.2012 was one of the best days of my life. I say one of my best because each day with Hudson Gene Friedeck gets better and better. I can't believe how lucky I am to have this precious angel in my life. I've never felt more in love in my whole life. I have some catching up to do on posts each month on my sweet baby getting older and older so here goes 5 months :) I love these two photos from the day Hudson was born.
Sweet baby boy with his daddy.
My sweet angel in my arms.