Still no teeth every once in awhile his gums irritate him...poor booger. He loves sleeping on his tummy too and takes all of his naps on his tummy but sleeps on his back at night (mainly because it scares me...haha).
Hudson squirms all over the place. This past week he has squirmed his way to his jumper and puts his hands up like he wants to get in it so that's what mommy does. :)

Hudson is also making sounds like momma, dadda, bubba...but one day it sounded like he actually said daddy when he was looking at Karl. Sweet baby boy LOVES his daddy.
He also seems to be getting really attached to mommy and daddy. Cries when we leave the room for just a moment and then realizes he's ok. Not going to lie...kind of nice :)...sweetest baby in the world wants his mommy and daddy :).
Hudson went to his aunt Shelly's wedding this past weekend and was up a little later than normal. Mommy and daddy were able to steal a dance. Best feeling in the world! We love our little man more than everything in the world! Happy 6 month bubba!