Saturday, February 22, 2014

Play Set All Day

I started a blog about this but never posted it! Whoops!

For Christmas Nana and Pops made our little boy's (or maybe mommy's) dreams come true haha. They helped us pick out and get a play set for our backyard. Hudson and I would take several trips a week to a nearby park, Garden Ridge, Chick Fil A, you name it. Any place Hudson could play we went.

With a lot of help Bubba got his play set. Little did I know that my idea would cause 3 trips to too far north in Austin, leveling of our backyard, shoveling dirt, and a extensive installation project. I can't apologize enough for that. BUT after a week of all of that, Hudson was able to get on his new play set and play to until his little heart was content. A few days later it snowed! So it was kind of torture looking at it through the window but sure enough, we've had some awesome weather recently and of course we've been putting it to good use! He LOVES it! I LOVE IT! In fact, we haven't been to that near by park or Garden Ridge in awhile.

It's been so much fun. Hudson and I play on it every evening I get off work until the sun goes down (which right now is only about 1-2 hours of play time if that). And now that the weekends are getting warmer we play then too. In fact, we played this morning.

What does it include you ask (hehe)? Well, it has two ladders on one side that Hudson demands that "mommy climb too." We race to the top. Once we get there he drives the boat and I am his lookout. We're looking for Jake from the Neverland Pirates and Captain Hook. We see sharks and whales and neighbors houses (haha). We switch roles and I get to drive the boat too (so nice of Hudson hehe). Then we slide down the slide. Mommy goes first to get the bugs off the slide. There aren't really any bugs. Hudson thinks the dirt looks like bugs. We run around to the rock wall and see who can climb the fastest..he beats me every time. Then we get our green soccer ball and push the ball in the baby swing. Then Hudson swings and "mommy swings too." It also has a tire swing that Hudson hasn't tried swinging in yet. You kind of need a little one like him because mommy is too big. For now it works well as a safe place for his green soccer ball.

We have 2 weeks from today where our beautiful days will be longer and we can play all night. I can't wait!

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