Wednesday, March 19, 2014

26 Month Feisty Sweetie

An appropriate time to catch up. My feisty bubba is 26 months. What's he up to these days? Boy is my 2 year old getting feisty. Some times surprises me and makes me sad when I have to discipline him but then I remember (or try to) he's 2 and learning to deal with so many emotions. I can totally relate to that. According to me, they must start at 2 and last you a life time. I'm still dealing with mine every day :).

He's also continued to be the biggest sweetheart ever. We snuggle at night and he wraps his arms around my neck. Or backs up to me and pulls my arm around him. Or kisses me until he falls asleep. When I hold him while we are doing anything he randomly gives mommy kisses or rubs his nose on mine. ANGEL! While he some times gets feisty is also the sweetest little boy I've ever met.

What does Hudson love to do these days? Take off with Pawpaw to Cabelas. Jump on nana and pops' trampoline. Brush his teeth (I love that). Play outside on his play set with mommy until the sun goes down. Thank goodness for the time change. We needed that! Now if we could just have some consistent warm dry weather :). Play trolls with hapa. Fly his kite with daddy.

A few of my favorites. When he sees Oloft from Frozen on the Disney Channel singing "Summmmerrrr" he opens his arms and sings "Summerrrrrrrrr." It's one of the cutest things ever. At night we read this book that's called 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe. When we get to the last page of 10 kids we count the kids together. Hudson does NOT like to say 3 but he will tell you every number other than that one. It absolutely blows me away. He's so smart! He remembers so much too! He's most definitely a sponge. One night we read his book that we read all the time and this time I decided to talk about the stuff on the page as opposed to just reading the words. We talked about how the hippo was playing the tuba, he kitty cat was playing the flute, the cow was playing the drums and the elephant was playing the symbols. He remembered them all the next night! I didn't even tell him and he named them off to me. He LOVES instruments. He has this little yellow toy that he pretends his is violin, trombone and telescope. He'll tell you all 3.

Another precious thing. Pops taught him how to go "woohoo" while they swing on the play set. It's so cute to hear him say "woohoo." It takes a lot of effort to repeat over and over for him and it's absolutely adorable.

How's talking? How's not talking. He never stops talking and it's absolutely awesome. Sometimes I feel like I have a repeat mode cause my little man pretty much repeats everything I say. I can't believe how much he talks and even understands. Blows me away :).

I am forever lucky to be a bystander in this amazing boy's life. He blows me away. Happy 26 months down, forever to go :).

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