Monday, February 17, 2014

My Wild Child: 25 Months

OMG my son is beautiful. I feel like I can't say that enough. I swear after every time we go to the doctor Hudson listens to the doctor and does exactly what she says he's going to do. Apparently two years old develop feelings they don't know how to handle. They get emotional. He heard that and took it as a recommendation lol. Actually, it's amazing because while bubba has gotten in touch with his emotional side for the "sad" "angry" parts he's such a huge lover. I can't tell you how many times he wraps his arms around my neck and gives me kisses. Especially when I'm putting him to sleep. Love love love my angel baby. He's pretty awesome. He tells me, "mommy, come here" and then he wraps his arms around my neck and snuggles me. Seriously?!?! I'm on cloud nine.
What are we up to these days? Talking so much. He copies everything we say and he's telling me so much. I LOVE it. He can now tell me "ouch that hurt" "I hit my arm" "I throw it away" "wipe my nose" I could go on. Eureka! He can tell me what's wrong. This is groundbreaking. This also gets more and more fun. Now that he's talking a lot more he's getting to the age where kids say the cutest things. For example, he tells me "mommy, I get that moon down!" with a serious face and as he points his finger down to the ground. So cute!  Just look at that precious face>>>>>>>>

He LOVES his new sunglasses and hat that he would NOT even let you get close to him with a few months ago. He tells me the sun is his eyes. I tell him to put on his sunglasses he says otay. Or he'll tell me, "mommy, I look this way" so the sun doesn't get in his eyes. Boy he's so smart! I love it. My favorite thing about Hudson right now (besides everything hehe) - his fake laugh. He's so good at it. It's so darn cute! Ok, it might not be fake (wishful thinking) but he sure does know how to make you feel like your jokes are funny. He'll continue his little fake laugh until your heart is content. Love it. Also, something new (kind of) right at bubba's 2nd birthday he had started to climb out of his crib. As of last night we are transitioning to a big bed. I'll report next month on how it goes but so far he loves to sleep in it. Especially when mommy is right by his side. 

Below:  Taking a look at our amazing city with his Aunt Ashley (sheee). Can't wait to spend more beautiful days with Hudson out on this awesome playground of a city we live in.

We have less than 3 weeks before the time change which will mean so much more time for playing on Hudson's playset (which we plan on every chance we get) and more awesome memories in the awesome weather to come. It's going to be a beautiful spring in this beautiful life I have. 

Hudson has so much character. He's had so much character for a long time. His little personality never seizes to amaze me. He's amazing. Love this little boy with my whole heart. Dada and I always talk about how wonderful you are every night bubba. You mean the world to us. Love you!

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