Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentines Day 2014

A day most definitely worth mentioning :). I took Hudson to HEB to pick out a rose for mawmaw and sheeee (aunt Ashley). Bubba was excited to pick roses and he did NOT want to let them go. I had to tell him that once we got to the shop he could bring them in. I had to remind him several times he would get to hold them again (so he wouldn't break them on the way there). They were surprised and we also brought pawpaw some candy and a card. 

Then bubba and I headed back home for nap. We didn't tell dada what I had planned for the evening. I texted him the address to go to when he got off of work and asked him to meet bubba and me there. It was the Aquarium. It took Hudson and I awhile to get there. Traffic was bad but it was fun. 

Dada and bubba bought me flowers and a card and we went into the Aquarium. Bubba loved it. He LOVED the stingray tank. He grabbed our hands and told us to touch the stingrays. He was so cute. He loved splashing in the water. 

Bubba really loved the snake. Hope he doesn't think they are all cute. LOL. He actually looked into the snakes habitat and put his nose up against the window. The snake got close the glass and it didn't even phase him. 

Also "NEMO" was a huge hit :)

A wonderful Valentine's Day we had bubba. Daddy and I love you with our entire hearts!

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