Monday, February 10, 2014

Most Beautiful Day + Weekend Festivities

We had such a wonderful weekend. I'm going to start backwards by saying I had the most beautiful Sunday ever. Bubba and I woke up and snuggled on the couch. Then we made dada breakfast after letting him sleep in. I thought today was going to be beautiful and I needed to run one last long run. So I packed up bubba and took him to town lake close to his nap time. Started the run and bubba wanted to hold my hand. He's done that before. Sweetest thing ever. He reaches up through the back of the stroller and says' "hold Mommy's hand." And of course I hold It for as long as he wants me to. Love my angel! He fell asleep at mile 6 wearing no shoes. Letting the warm sun soak into his feet and the nice breeze push him over into dreamland. My plan was to run 13 miles but he woke up at mile 11 and drank the rest of my Gatorade :). I love this sweet face!!!!

Then I ran him back to the park. We put the stroller up and walked to the park. I'm glad I found a spot by the park because there's was no chance I was getting a spot to park where I normally do. There were sooooooo many people out enjoying the beautiful day. We walked past the playground. Hudson kept telling me he wanted to play. I told him we'll play but we have to get tickets for the train first. He then tells me I ride choo choo. Then bubba was sooooo good. We had to wait in line for tickets for at least 15 minutes which seems like forever in parenthood with a toddler. Standing in one place for 15 minutes is unheard of for Hudson. He stayed right by me and didn't try to run off or fuss. We got our tickets. Played for a little bit because the next train ride was in 40 minutes. We got ice cream and cheetos.

Once Hudson heard the train whistle he got ready to get on. Then as soon as the other passengers got off the train Hudson got on and sat down on the seat. He's never done that. He usually tries to run around the train or stand up. He was soooo good. He was ready to ride the choo choo. The train started to take off and bubba waived and said "bye kids." That was the CUTEST thing ever. Then any people he would see he would say, "bye people" and then turn to tell me that there were "people everywhere." He amazes me.

We played after the train and I didn't want to take him from the park on this beautiful day. It was soooooooooo wonderful. We headed home, picked up dada and headed to "nana pops house." I then took Karl on a date to our old date spot Garcias. It was a wonderful day.

Friday night we drove up to Dallas and stayed the night so we could squeeze in a visit with the sweet Clem family and then go to Ashley & Thomas' Dallas wedding shower put on by his awesome mom and aunt. Hudson also got to see snow for the first time. Well, real snow. Not like the ice that we get in Austin. He looked puzzled and was quickly over it because of how cold it was haha. Guess you could say he's an Austin boy :)

Saturday morning we headed to Chick Fil A to meet the Clem family. I'm not really sure the boys remember each other but it didn't take long for them to start playing. We also got to meet the ever so chill baby Deacon. He was such a good baby! Just calmly chilling on either mommy or daddy's lap. A few hours of chasing Hudson around we said our good byes and headed towards the airport to pick up mawmaw. I can't wait for the Clem family to move back to Austin. I loved getting to catch up but I'm ready to see Natalie more :) hehe.

Saturday night was the shower. Thomas' mom, Eyde, and aunt, Angela, threw an amazing shower. It was so much fun. Games for everyone. Great food and just a really great time. I'm so happy for Thomas and Ashley. Got to meet Thomas' family and friends. Can't wait for the awesome party of a wedding to come. It's going to be great.

We had a brief trip. Not even 24 hours. we drove home after the shower and got home late but not too late. It was perfect. Especially since we got to enjoy the one day this week of pretty weather in Austin.

This was a wonderful weekend. Definitely one for the books. I can't wait for more awesome weather in our future.

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