Saturday, February 23, 2013

What Works for Us at 13 Months

I posted a picture of a sippy cup I love on Facebook one day and my friend Kelsey said I should blog about it so...if you are anything like me you are sometimes surfing the internet for some helpful information on what works for other people. I don't like to read books because my lovely baby is not a text book but I love to read what other people are currently going through so I can relate and maybe try what they've tried.

Every month I will try to contribute a few things (I'll try to keep it short) on what works for us so maybe if you find yourself in a predicament you can try these out. I'll also quickly add that while these things work for us they won't work for everyone. Every baby and family is different so good luck! Also, if you want to share what works for you I would love to know!

1. We have carpet upstairs in our den where we spend most of our time and while there's plenty of baby vomit that's lurking deep down waiting to be deep cleaned I was quickly on the lookout for a sippy cup that seriously doesn't leak. Baby vomit stinks but old milk is worse! These Playtex sippy cups are great as long as you put them together correctly. You can make one minor mistake in putting it together and it will leak. Mastering the correct depth of the straw into the mouthpiece is something you will need to learn in order for it to work right. Once you get that figured can practice your Dairy Queen cone rotation and milk should not come out!

2. Made the mistake of letting my sweet bubba eat mandarin oranges...a lot of them...and viola he had diaper rash (haven't had mandarin oranges again since then). Needless to say just diaper cream didn't do the trick as fast as I would have liked. So I used this equate healing ointment at night and baby had a new hiney in the am. After bath before bedtime I put the healing ointment on his tush and then diaper rash cream on top and it worked! Overnight my sweet bubba was pain free.

3. Lastly for this month. We have rocked my bubba to sleep because I'm not a fan of the cry it out method only get this chance once. I'm pretty sure my 16 year old will not let me rock him to sleep. However, he's getting so long and can't get comfortable so he squirms and is uncomfortable which keeps him up. So, what we started doing that works for me (not so much my husband) is lay on the floor with this turtle starlight and sing twinkle twinkle little star for awhile. He's comfortable. He rubs his eyes and gets sleepy. Best way in my opinion to wind him down. Just recently tried reading to him and sure enough he got sleepy. He turned to me and was like, put the book down woman. I'm tired.

Wow..this was supposed to be short..haha. Well good luck mommas and dadas.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Some Mama & Dada Love Quiz

Stole this from Natalie Clem. So much fun. Thanks Natalie :)

1. How long have we been married? 
Karl's Answer:  5 years 7 months
My Answer:  5.5 years

ain...same thing! hehe.

2. Where was your first date? 
Karl's Answer:  Movie theater
My Answer:  Tinseltown theater in San Marcos to see either Eight Mile or Jackass

Such romantic movies lol! Always having fun :)

3. Where was your first kiss? 
Karl's Answer:  Front porch of her  house
My Answer:  My parent's front porch

Best night ever :)

4. Who said I love you first? 
Karl's Answer:  She did
My Answer:  Me :)

Knew it was meant to be from day 1 (hehe) but I think we had dated for either 3 or 6 months before we said it.

5. What were your wedding colors? 
Karl's Answer:  Yellow and grey
My Answer:  Yellow and Raspberry

Lol Karl! Guess it was 5 years 7 months ago haha.

6. If she was ordering drinks what would you each get? 
Karl's Answer:  Beer and beer
My Answer:  Tea for both / Alcohol:  Margarita (me) & Beer (Karl)

Ahhh yes...I do love beer :)

7. What is the best meal she ever cooked you? 
Karl's Answer:  gumbo
My Answer:  gumbo

Thank you baby :)

8. What is the worst meal she ever cooked you? 
Karl's Answer:  Chicken and veggie crap
My Answer:  Anything with chicken in it

I know...I know...I actually call it chicken crap (haha)

9. What is the most played song on her iPod? 
Karl's Answer:  Fun some nights
My Answer:  Some Nights Fun

Of course! My bubba's favorite song!

10. What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
Karl's Answer:  checks her phone
My Answer:  Check my Facebook page

......oh sorry..was just checking my facebook haha jk!

11. What would you say is your favorite thing about her? 
Karl's Answer:  How good of a mother she is
My Answer:  my goofy laugh

Awe!! Karl's answer is much better :). Love you babe!

12. What is the name of her blog? 
Karl's Answer:  Friedeck blogspot
My Answer:  The Friedecks 

HAHA! Close babe.

Made for a fun night :).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

13 Month Old Head Banger

So...I got sad for a brief moment about my baby turning 1 and...that's all that Hudson allowed. He said no time for that momma. Things are about to get crazy.

Well, my baby journal went through 1-12 months and now it only has years so I'll start adding it on here or get a new journal haha. We'll see :)

Ever since we stopped the bottle bubba has been sleeping like a champ! It's totally amazing. Here I thought the bottle before bed was helping and now he's slept so amazing...worried about writing that because I don't want to jinx myself but man I sure got lucky!

Bubba is pretty much not a picky eater this month. Took a day to get into milk versus formula. Tries everything at least once and of course has his favorites to eat. He still loves PB&J but we tried a new things that I'm super happy about. Cucumbers (in ranch of course), baked sweet potato fries, fresh green beans, pears. Bubba loves pears. We give him a whole one now and it's the most fun thing to watch him eat. It's messy but he's soooo cute! Also, Natalie asked me if we used utensils and I thought...I wouldn't dare give this boy a spoon and a bowl unless I had a water hose on standby but I gave him a spoon just yesterday and he ate mac-n-cheese with it. I was amazed. Babies...they know a lot more than we think!

New word? Nana is banana. He says it when he sees them in the grocery store and every time we go to feed him one (he's part monkey I think). I'm thinking he's days away from saying so much. He knows what ball is, dog, his belly, his nose, his foot, to hug "squeeze", kiss, potty, change diaper, stars, night night and so much more. He'll bring most of those things to us too. I'm sure Karl will have him trained to get a cold drink from the fridge soon. JK!

A new tooth came in last week at the bottom front to match the top 4. I think he's got another one coming too. Poor bubba. Seems like the older they get the more aware they are that it hurts. Can we just get all molars at one time? Might be a nightmare but would be so nice to get it over with. JK!

Bubba is definitely a jokester. Laughing all the time especially when he bangs his head! I think we're going to need to get a helmet. We also can't keep from buying those super huge bounce balls from Wal Mart when we go by them. He points and gets all excited. How can momma say no to that? We're starting a collection. He lays on top of the larger ball and rolls with it. Kind of scary sometimes because he rolls over the top...ayayayaya...scares me about his neck. Will have to teach him to be careful.

Bubba is sooooooooo long. Haven't measure him yet but he was 31" at the drs office at his 12 month appointment and just the other day I put him up against the wall and he'd already gained an inch. He stretches from my shoulder to my knee! My baby that I could once hold in one arm is getting sooo long.

My favorite thing to do with bubba is hold him as he goes down for a nap. We literally have a heart to heart. No words needed. As our hearts connect he recharges my soul. Happy 13 months sweet angel baby!

See those hands flapping? He's like a humming bird! Fast!!!

A few from our family photos :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Valentine's Day should be on a Saturday every year so you can play all day with your loved ones :).

We pulled bubba out of his bed like we do every morning and got our cuddle on. He's such a sweet boy when he wakes up. All day too but it is extra cuddly and kissy in the morning. Best way to start the day every day (heart heart heart) :).

Dada went to work. Mommy got some work done too with the occasional tickle fest and our daily routine. We ran a few errands and then waited for dada to get home. Then we went to....wait for it....Chick Fil A. LOL! Might sound funny but I think it's safe to say that it's our favorite place to take bubba for 1. the grilled chicken nuggets that bubba likes to eat (funny thing is..he won't eat my grilled chicken...what's up with that? lol) and 2. the playscape that keeps our bubba preoccupied so we can eat too.

This time we let bubba walk around the playscape. He's a bit too short to climb onto anything so it worked out perfectly. He loved watching the other kids. Tried to grab them as they ran by and even tried to hug a 2 year old girl. He's into older ladies. Sorry youngins.

After dinner we went back to the house and ate the perfect Valentine's Day dessert..J-E-L-L-O! I used to make it all of the time for Karl. It's one of his favorites and bubba LOVED it. Of course we had cool whip too :). Mmmm mmm.

Needless to say, it's not just another Thursday, it's a sweet day with our bubba. Best kind of day you can have. We love you sweet boy!

Two Cousins Meant to Be

These two are meant to be. Two buds who need to be together and live close forever!! NANNY!

We received a pleasant surprise visit from cousin Noah, Nanny and James. We took the boys to the park on this beautiful sunny Wednesday and Hudson had a blast kicking the soccer ball with Noah. Noah shared with his baby cousin and it was so cute!! Both of the boys were worn out quickly but we definitely had a great time.

I was so surprised how much fun bubba had playing with the ball. I need to get out and do this more with him. My February Resolution haha. We both had fun and I, of course, loved seeing him go crazy for a ball.

Love, love, love my son. He's awesome!

Hudson is in to writing too...with chalk..on everything. Even his mouth :). 

First Haircut 2/3/13

I'm not really sure this photo collage needs much explanation other than the fact that Hudson absolutely hated getting his hair cut. His mawmaw (the stylist, artist, amazing mawmaw) of course was the one to do the job. Afterwards he gladly went into pawpaw's arms and mawmaw gave him candy to mend his broken heart (hehe...jk). He was fine after that though and...he looks absolutely adorable! Of course..only the best stylist in town :). We love it! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Billy Goat

Ok, what I want to know is who told my son that he can start climbing on everything now that he's 1? HAHA. This has been a blast. Just this week bubba started climbing on EVERYTHING.

I left our office door open so he could go in and out to grab toys. It took one time and a matter of seconds for him to climb on my chair! After him being extremely quiet I went in to find him looking down as if he was wondering how to get down. Then he wanted to climb on a box and was falling off of it and laughing! Of course I was laughing at him too which made the situation funny. Luckily I was able to teach him to wait for momma to come off of something he climbed on. Let's see how long he remembers that. He's pretty smart so I hopefully it will stick. He gets on this box and waits for me to grab him. It's a game now and I LOVE it. Then, I take him outside and he wants to climb on our wicker foot rests. There's no stopping this billy goat and I wouldn't want to. Most fun ever!!

My office buddy. Dada's tent buddy. Future BMXer :)
Happy Weekend Everyone!