Wednesday, November 2, 2016

16 month old 4 Year Old

So I'm super way behind on writing about my princess...and I'm going to say that's because I have two 4 years olds. Grace thinks she's 4. She does everything her bubba does and it's keeping me on my toes 24/7. He leans on a wall, she leans on a wall. He goes down a slide, she goes down a slide. He sits at the table in a normal chair she has to be in a normal chair.  He jumps on a bed, she jumps on a bed. Pretty soon I'm going to be singing 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed, but no call to the dr yet. Please knock on wood for me. All doors are closed during the day so she has no access but she can reach the door handles now. Again...please have special thoughts for me.

Little girl loves to swing and be outside at all times. You can't even say out, walk, swing, slide around her unless you are ready to go outside. Every day after work we swing, slide and then walk around the block. I guess you can say she's use to that routine and wants to do it every day. She loves to swing high too and when mommy twists her swing so she spins around really fast. She tells me "go" and I let her go. All smiles as her head is leaning hard to the side. Nothing scares her. She is seriously trying to keep up with her brother. Has been for a long time now.

Grace loves to read. Will hand you book and turn around and plop her little tush on your lap. We have this book that I read to Hudson when he was little and she does all the same things. Touches her nose when I say nose, toes when I say toes, hair, etc. Says "Pop" and "Bubble." She's definitely the talker when Hudson allows her to speak LOL. He's always talking so sometimes when you get her to herself she will talk a lot. Some of her newest words are "Hot Dang" from uptown funk LOL, bird, bug, pop, bubble, actually saying the words bye bye instead of just waiving, bath and more. Another one you can't say unless you are ready to give her a bath. You say bath and she immediately heads to the bathroom. She loves bath time. She also loves to say row row boat, belly button, choo choo, mickey mouse, poo poo, night night, juice and so much more. They aren't super clear words but as her mom I know what she's saying. Most words she has the first part down. She amazes me. Hudson said Mickey Mouse around this same age too. It's so fun to see their similarities.

Grace can out eat her brother. He's a grazer and she is too but she can just eat all day long. She's growing super fast too. Climbing up the marks on the wall she's getting taller pretty fast. Little girl doesn't say no to most food. Last night she ate 4 slices of pizza. Totally surprised me. She didn't want to stop eating it. We just got over an extremely bad stomach bug and so now her and bubba are eating as much as they can. Catching up I guess. I never want to experience that stomach bug again. Telling your babies they can't eat is one of the hardest things ever.

My little princess cheers on her bubba at his t-ball games. When she sees her bubba she points to him and says bubba. Then claps for him. I have no doubts she will love t-ball too when the time comes.

Grace loves to jump on the trampoline. Thankfully for nets she can bounce all around the trampoline. She loves it. And it's so extremely adorable to watch a baby jump. I feel like I wouldn't have let Hudson do that at this age but with Grace she wants to try everything. So momma obliges.

My favorite things right now is she snuggles so long in the morning. She has the best hug in the world. She lays her head on your shoulder and just melts into you. I wish I never had to let her go. She loves to play by herself a lot but never wants to be left behind. I go to the stairs to go down and she runs to my arms. She also loves to follow her bubba. When he gets mad I just remind him that he's her best friend and she loves him so much. He quickly changes his mood and tells her to follow. I know things will change in the future but right now their little hearts amaze me. She wants to do what he does and he takes her along.

She is my princess. I love to dress her up. I always said I never would dress my little girl like a princess and here I am buying her silver glitter shoes and she loves them. My little angel princess. She loves to have her hand kissed, she tilts her head and smiles at you. She's more perfect than I could imagine. She's fearless, fierce and unbelievably beautiful.

Grace I'm sorry mommy can't write as often as I wish. You two munchkins keep your momma super busy with all things fun in life. I love you my little princess. You make your momma's heart feel like it's going to explode.

Icing on the cake that you are laugh when I burp...hehe...that's my girl :)

We got to trick-or-treat with our sweetest neighbors ever. You didn't want to wear your costume but still wanted candy haha. Next year will be your year!

The luckiest mommy in the world.

Friday, July 22, 2016

13 Month Old Growler

My precious princess that I dress in dresses as much as I can roars like her brother. She picks up toys and roars with them. She makes me laugh. 

She's so beautiful but yet she acts just like her rambunctious brother. In fact she's a little crazier than him if that's possible. She's flipped over our couch (she's ok) at least 3 times. Now I've added pillows everywhere besides on the couch where they belong. She's climbing, jumping, and trying to run. She's trying to keep up with a 4 year old boy. She's one tough little princess. 

She's so smart. Totally amazes me. She listens to me when I tell her to sit so I can put her shoes on. She understands "no" and doesn't like the word lol. But when it comes to falling over the back of the couch she's starting to agree with "no."

When I ask her if she wants something she tells me yes by shaking her head. She shrugs her shoulders and lifts her hand when she doesn't know something. It's so adorable. If you ask her where someone is that's not around she says I don't know with her shrugging. 

She's mastered going upstairs and she understand mommy saying wait for me to go up. Every once in awhile she runs up giggling knowing she's doing something that's going to give momma a heart attack. We worked on her coming down and she sits and scoots but oy that scares me. Will keep working on that. 

Cutest thing ever right now is she loves to wiggle. If you tell Grace to wiggle wiggle she just wiggles so much. Makes you laugh. She loves to see you laugh. 

We've been singing if you are happy and you know it song a lot. And the other day from the pool she was upset. Bubba and I started singing it and she would say hooray in her own way every time we got to that part. It was adorable.

Grace is our little copycat right now. If bubba dances she tries to mimick his moves. If I walk backwards she walks backwards. She's learning so much right now and trying to do it all. Slow down little girl. You are so unbelievably adorable to me. 

Grace is still a great eater. Baby girl loves good tasting food :). 

She loves her bubba and wants to always be by him. She snuggles up to him as often as she can. She is so in love with her bubba. And he is wonderful to her. He's always looking out for her. Almost like being a little 2nd mommy. He makes me laugh. I hope they stay that way forever. 

Grace also loves to walk. She can walk almost half a mile. I think I have two great running buddies in my future. 

Last but not least. When I leave her briefly she runs to my arms. And kisses me when I ask. How in the world did I get two angels who make me feel like my heart will explode? Grace you and bubba are the lights of my life. I can't believe I get to be in your life. I love y'all more than you will ever know. Slow down little girl. You are my baby. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

1 Year Old Princess

Boy has this year flown by. I remember not too long ago I was crying thinking about when will my princess arrive. This year has gone by way too fast. I know people say that all of the time but that went way faster than Hudson's first year. So much going on so fast.

I missed sissy's 11 month old post so once again I'm catching up. You know it's harder to keep up when you have two babies running around. I'm guilty of a little less pictures taken but our year has been a wonderful one with my little princess.

What's my little angel up to these days? She's climbing on everything. You know how there's that stereotype out there that boys are the wild ones? Well...if your baby girl has older brothers like Hudson they run, they jump, they dive, they climb...fearlessly and boy has she got me on my toes. She stands ontop of a little chuggington train jumping. Really sissy? Why do you want to give mommy a heart attack? She stands on the fireplace seat, she climbs on chairs.

Grace loves running to the side of the pool stepping in at the shallow end. She would just crash on in if I let her do what she wants but mommy catches her every time to put her in the water. She loves riding the trike (new this week). So cute. She puts her hand on the seat like "take me please." She loves riding with mommy on runs. I ask her if she wants to go and she stands by the stroller waiting for me to put her in.

She LOVES music. She dances at any sound that slightly resembles music and she has a sway. The most precious sway I've ever seen. Grace is so friendly too. She waves at everyone and every car. She blows me kisses at the pool and makes my heart want to explode. If I pretend like I'm sleeping when she wakes up she kisses me or says "mama" when she wants me to get up.

She still absolutely loves her bubba. Kisses him when he first wakes up and really any chance she gets. She wants to be where he is at all times. Bubba resembles all things fun. Like a little Grace magnet. He's a wonderful big bubba. Has been from day 1.

Poor baby has got way too many teeth. She has 4 front top 4 front bottom and a molar. And just this week she has 7 new teeth coming. 7!!! So in a few weeks little girl should have 16 teeth! Wowsers! She doesn't normally get upset with teething too bad but this week 7 has pushed her to her limit. She's been super attached to mama which no complaints here. I love it but wish she didn't feel so bad.

Grace is so independent, playing most of the day close to bubba. However, if you try to go anywhere without her, even if it's for a quick minute she will scream. She so wants to be wherever we all are at all times. She just loves to be near everyone. I'm so unbelievably lucky to be able to work from home and be near her all the time. She sits on my lap while I work and then plays most of the day near by. She LOVES playing by her bubba. He's her main squeeze for sure.

Her favorite foods? Cheese. Little girl could eat so much cheese. Chicken, breakfast sausage, bacon, bread, guacamole, grapes, maybe I should list what she doesn't like. She pretty much loves everything. She has recently not taken a liking to eggs but that's ok. She eats everything else. This one makes me laugh. She likes to eat ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo. She definitely has enough teeth so why not. It's so cute to watch her push her food to the front of her mouth to chew it. She's so smart!

New words these last 2 months? She says maw maw, taytay, pawpaw, nana and my new favorite, moon. I was walking with her the other day and kept saying sissy look at the moon and I kept repeating it like a crazy person. She ended up pointing at the moon for me (smart cookie) and saying moon! I have discovered if you actually give Grace a moment to say something she tries hard to say it. I think mommy and bubba do a lot of talking so given the chance to speak she will.

I just love my beautiful angels so much. There's not a day I don't feel like the luckiest mommy in the world. My favorite part of every day are the snuggles I get from my babies. There's truly no better moment. Days can be hard some times. The best reward is a heart to heart hug from my angles.

Today we had a blast for her birthday and I think she did too. Voodoo donuts to have a different donut experience. It was fun :). Randomly exploring the Hilton Austin. Hudson's always wanted to go to the highest floor. So we did. Ended the night with some fancy Chick Fil A since sissy loves the chicken and fries. Birthday party is on Sunday so the whole family can make it. I can't wait to have my angel surrounded by so much love.

Happy 1st Birthday my beautiful princess Grace. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sleeping Beauty

Day 3 of playing in water and this little girl has been worn out every night. What a fun summer ahead of us. I can't believe my baby will be 1 in less than 2 months. 

My sweet beautiful princess. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

10 Month Sweetie Pie

Your bubba calls you his sweetie pie every day. You are so lovely Grace. You are the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen. Happy 10 months my little angel  princess. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

9 months going on 10

I'm late. Ayaya. Grace took her first steps 4 days before she turned 9 months. She saw her cousin Ella last week and she's a  full time walker. She wants you to put her down when she first wakes up. Boyee sound familiar? Her wild bubba did the same thing. I don't have one but two active little ones shouldn't I look like a supermodel at this point? Lol jk. 

Grace also went on her fishing trip last month and we fit in the camper just fine. I forsee lots of trips in our near future. Hoping to get her hooked too. 😍

Grace loooooves to eat. She's in the lower percentiles for weight but don't let that fool you. She wants to at least try everything once and if she likes it keep it coming. She has 8 teeth so she can eat steak (not really) but just about anything. She likes pretty much everything. Her latest tries and likes are Mac and cheese and cheese enchiladas. 

The times of bumps & bruises. Grace got her first busted lip from trying to climb up a bed, constantly hitting that beautiful forehead and there are times she wipes out flat on her back and she just smiles and gets up to start over. She's so resilient and I think owes that to her bubba being ever so sweetly rough with her. He's a great big bubba and never intends to hurt her but she tries to keep up and most times she does. 

Latest fun things:
-mock us with kissing noises
-waiving hi
-blowing her tongue back at us
-attempting to run (and making me very nervous)
-climbing up stairs (only with mommy behind her)
-she loves being chased, tickled and makes me laugh because she loves he thrill of being scared. 

We love you our sweet little angel. You make my heart feel bigger than I ever thought possible. Happy 9 almost 10 months. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Where your feet hit

When I'm lucky enough to put you to bed (cause daddy gets picked a lot too) every time I put you in your bed I lay next to you to see where your sweet feet hit my shins. You grow way too fast my little boy. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Walking with Grace

I need to seriously catch up. Still need to write my baby's 9 month blog. Still need document my amazing 4 year old. Soon I hope. 

As of 3/13 my angel princess took her first step. This past weekend she took 3. And this week she's taken 6 steps. She's on the move. When she falls her bubba repeats "Grace I'm so proud of you." 

How did I get this lucky?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

8 Month Old Particular Eater

Have to admit (thanks to google) I thought my princess had some issue with eating food. There was an article I read about feeding therapist and boyee you can get carried away with that stuff. Come to find out she does not like baby food and LOVES mama's cooked food. You name it she eats it. Chicken skins (a Hudson favorite), turkey loaf, spaghetti, fig newtons (I didn't make that haha), toast with jelly....she loves flavor! Her all time favorite right now is malt-o meal with butter, sugar and cinnamon. She screams for it. 

Grace's first word in the morning is bubba. She's always looking for him when he's not awake yet and he's always top of mind. When she wants me she says mama. It's like music to my ears :). I've been working on a few new words. With my nutty repetition I'm sure she'll come around some time or just think her momma is crazy. 

Cutest thing ever, maw maw taught her "no no no" with her head. If you say that to Grace she starts shaking her head. 

She's such a good listener right now (hehe). I don't say no to her nearly as much as most first time parents think is important (yes I'm guilty here - sorry Hudson). So any time Grace is going for an electrical outlet, wires or bathroom floors if I tell Grace no no sissy she stops, looks at me and looks as if she's thinking...well ok mom I won't do that. 

The last month she has gotten so strong. Pulling herself up on everything and walking along our grey couch. While I agree this couch needs to go eventually it's been the perfect walking couch for both of our babies. It's my favorite part about the couch (the only thing I like about it haha). Grace pulls herself up and walks side to side. She's standing up for a good 30 seconds without holding onto anything. She's so thinking about moving forward and I'm thinking (SLOW DOWN CHILD). I have to say, she learns 90% of what she does from her bubba. He's such a sweet bubba to her and she's trying to keep up. Soon enough the 2 of them will be running around together. 

The second child woes. My poor princess gets sick way more than Hudson did. She catches everything Hudson gets and boyeee they've been through the wringer this sick season. I'm hopeful that truly means less illnesses when they start school because there has to be silver lining to that. It effects her so much more than an older child and makes me so sad for her. You can tell it truly makes her feel different. My poor angel. I'm looking forward to Spring/Summer and less yucky germs. Eek!

Dislikes, this one is comical (sorry Grace). If you barely touch Grace's foot or hand to a piece of grass she will scream like a snake bit her. Now this is funny because 1. It's crazy to think that a piece of grass can set off an easy going baby and 2. I did this exact thing when I was a baby. Is it hereditary? I don't know but my parents said they knew I was safe if they put me on a blanket because I wasn't going anywhere LOL. 

This angel of ours is so easy going and along for the ride no matter what we do. She loves to watch her bubba and is secretly planning her future from all that she learns from her sweet bubba.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

7 month old cuddle bug

I'm behind..lots going on lately. Where's the time?

Our little angel is all over the place. She's starting to pull herself up on everything and falling like free willy. She's learning slowly but surely how to fall Gracefully (hehe) but there's been a couple of ouchies.

Look at this adorable face! She makes her mommy's heart go crazy!

Grace has now has 7 teeth. You think she would be able to eat a burger by now but she's so picky! She's a texture baby for sure. She is getting over double ear infections so that really made her not like food. She doesn't like baby fruit. We tried avocado and she didn't like it. BUT I gave her Strawberry yogurt and she liked it! Opened her mouth each time when the spoon was close. I'm so glad she likes it. Poor baby's earaches were making the eating front hard on her. 

Usually Grace loves to fall asleep either laying down or rocking but facing outward. This month she turned around to snuggle me. I'm so over the top happy about her snuggling me. She's so independnt but this month my angel is snuggling mommy, hiding her face in my chest when she's shy, letting mommy soak in the best snuggles in the world. 

We tried the swing outside this month. It's a little too chilly for the swing yet but I think she will love it when it's warm out. She's a trooper trying out whatever we throw at her :)

This month we also sat her up in the tub. Watching her discover water for the first time is the most adorable thing ever! She kept grabbing at it and making a face like she was thinking why can't I pick this up. So adorable. 

This little angel has the best smile. Just love making her smile. She's forever in love with her bubba and I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

I'm so far behind. Next comes blogs on my amazing 4 year old and my now 8 month old :)