Friday, June 17, 2016

1 Year Old Princess

Boy has this year flown by. I remember not too long ago I was crying thinking about when will my princess arrive. This year has gone by way too fast. I know people say that all of the time but that went way faster than Hudson's first year. So much going on so fast.

I missed sissy's 11 month old post so once again I'm catching up. You know it's harder to keep up when you have two babies running around. I'm guilty of a little less pictures taken but our year has been a wonderful one with my little princess.

What's my little angel up to these days? She's climbing on everything. You know how there's that stereotype out there that boys are the wild ones? Well...if your baby girl has older brothers like Hudson they run, they jump, they dive, they climb...fearlessly and boy has she got me on my toes. She stands ontop of a little chuggington train jumping. Really sissy? Why do you want to give mommy a heart attack? She stands on the fireplace seat, she climbs on chairs.

Grace loves running to the side of the pool stepping in at the shallow end. She would just crash on in if I let her do what she wants but mommy catches her every time to put her in the water. She loves riding the trike (new this week). So cute. She puts her hand on the seat like "take me please." She loves riding with mommy on runs. I ask her if she wants to go and she stands by the stroller waiting for me to put her in.

She LOVES music. She dances at any sound that slightly resembles music and she has a sway. The most precious sway I've ever seen. Grace is so friendly too. She waves at everyone and every car. She blows me kisses at the pool and makes my heart want to explode. If I pretend like I'm sleeping when she wakes up she kisses me or says "mama" when she wants me to get up.

She still absolutely loves her bubba. Kisses him when he first wakes up and really any chance she gets. She wants to be where he is at all times. Bubba resembles all things fun. Like a little Grace magnet. He's a wonderful big bubba. Has been from day 1.

Poor baby has got way too many teeth. She has 4 front top 4 front bottom and a molar. And just this week she has 7 new teeth coming. 7!!! So in a few weeks little girl should have 16 teeth! Wowsers! She doesn't normally get upset with teething too bad but this week 7 has pushed her to her limit. She's been super attached to mama which no complaints here. I love it but wish she didn't feel so bad.

Grace is so independent, playing most of the day close to bubba. However, if you try to go anywhere without her, even if it's for a quick minute she will scream. She so wants to be wherever we all are at all times. She just loves to be near everyone. I'm so unbelievably lucky to be able to work from home and be near her all the time. She sits on my lap while I work and then plays most of the day near by. She LOVES playing by her bubba. He's her main squeeze for sure.

Her favorite foods? Cheese. Little girl could eat so much cheese. Chicken, breakfast sausage, bacon, bread, guacamole, grapes, maybe I should list what she doesn't like. She pretty much loves everything. She has recently not taken a liking to eggs but that's ok. She eats everything else. This one makes me laugh. She likes to eat ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo. She definitely has enough teeth so why not. It's so cute to watch her push her food to the front of her mouth to chew it. She's so smart!

New words these last 2 months? She says maw maw, taytay, pawpaw, nana and my new favorite, moon. I was walking with her the other day and kept saying sissy look at the moon and I kept repeating it like a crazy person. She ended up pointing at the moon for me (smart cookie) and saying moon! I have discovered if you actually give Grace a moment to say something she tries hard to say it. I think mommy and bubba do a lot of talking so given the chance to speak she will.

I just love my beautiful angels so much. There's not a day I don't feel like the luckiest mommy in the world. My favorite part of every day are the snuggles I get from my babies. There's truly no better moment. Days can be hard some times. The best reward is a heart to heart hug from my angles.

Today we had a blast for her birthday and I think she did too. Voodoo donuts to have a different donut experience. It was fun :). Randomly exploring the Hilton Austin. Hudson's always wanted to go to the highest floor. So we did. Ended the night with some fancy Chick Fil A since sissy loves the chicken and fries. Birthday party is on Sunday so the whole family can make it. I can't wait to have my angel surrounded by so much love.

Happy 1st Birthday my beautiful princess Grace. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.

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