Wednesday, November 2, 2016

16 month old 4 Year Old

So I'm super way behind on writing about my princess...and I'm going to say that's because I have two 4 years olds. Grace thinks she's 4. She does everything her bubba does and it's keeping me on my toes 24/7. He leans on a wall, she leans on a wall. He goes down a slide, she goes down a slide. He sits at the table in a normal chair she has to be in a normal chair.  He jumps on a bed, she jumps on a bed. Pretty soon I'm going to be singing 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed, but no call to the dr yet. Please knock on wood for me. All doors are closed during the day so she has no access but she can reach the door handles now. Again...please have special thoughts for me.

Little girl loves to swing and be outside at all times. You can't even say out, walk, swing, slide around her unless you are ready to go outside. Every day after work we swing, slide and then walk around the block. I guess you can say she's use to that routine and wants to do it every day. She loves to swing high too and when mommy twists her swing so she spins around really fast. She tells me "go" and I let her go. All smiles as her head is leaning hard to the side. Nothing scares her. She is seriously trying to keep up with her brother. Has been for a long time now.

Grace loves to read. Will hand you book and turn around and plop her little tush on your lap. We have this book that I read to Hudson when he was little and she does all the same things. Touches her nose when I say nose, toes when I say toes, hair, etc. Says "Pop" and "Bubble." She's definitely the talker when Hudson allows her to speak LOL. He's always talking so sometimes when you get her to herself she will talk a lot. Some of her newest words are "Hot Dang" from uptown funk LOL, bird, bug, pop, bubble, actually saying the words bye bye instead of just waiving, bath and more. Another one you can't say unless you are ready to give her a bath. You say bath and she immediately heads to the bathroom. She loves bath time. She also loves to say row row boat, belly button, choo choo, mickey mouse, poo poo, night night, juice and so much more. They aren't super clear words but as her mom I know what she's saying. Most words she has the first part down. She amazes me. Hudson said Mickey Mouse around this same age too. It's so fun to see their similarities.

Grace can out eat her brother. He's a grazer and she is too but she can just eat all day long. She's growing super fast too. Climbing up the marks on the wall she's getting taller pretty fast. Little girl doesn't say no to most food. Last night she ate 4 slices of pizza. Totally surprised me. She didn't want to stop eating it. We just got over an extremely bad stomach bug and so now her and bubba are eating as much as they can. Catching up I guess. I never want to experience that stomach bug again. Telling your babies they can't eat is one of the hardest things ever.

My little princess cheers on her bubba at his t-ball games. When she sees her bubba she points to him and says bubba. Then claps for him. I have no doubts she will love t-ball too when the time comes.

Grace loves to jump on the trampoline. Thankfully for nets she can bounce all around the trampoline. She loves it. And it's so extremely adorable to watch a baby jump. I feel like I wouldn't have let Hudson do that at this age but with Grace she wants to try everything. So momma obliges.

My favorite things right now is she snuggles so long in the morning. She has the best hug in the world. She lays her head on your shoulder and just melts into you. I wish I never had to let her go. She loves to play by herself a lot but never wants to be left behind. I go to the stairs to go down and she runs to my arms. She also loves to follow her bubba. When he gets mad I just remind him that he's her best friend and she loves him so much. He quickly changes his mood and tells her to follow. I know things will change in the future but right now their little hearts amaze me. She wants to do what he does and he takes her along.

She is my princess. I love to dress her up. I always said I never would dress my little girl like a princess and here I am buying her silver glitter shoes and she loves them. My little angel princess. She loves to have her hand kissed, she tilts her head and smiles at you. She's more perfect than I could imagine. She's fearless, fierce and unbelievably beautiful.

Grace I'm sorry mommy can't write as often as I wish. You two munchkins keep your momma super busy with all things fun in life. I love you my little princess. You make your momma's heart feel like it's going to explode.

Icing on the cake that you are laugh when I burp...hehe...that's my girl :)

We got to trick-or-treat with our sweetest neighbors ever. You didn't want to wear your costume but still wanted candy haha. Next year will be your year!

The luckiest mommy in the world.

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