Sunday, February 26, 2017

5 Year Old Best Bubba

I’m finally getting a chance to tell you about my precious boy. Meant to write a blog when my baby boy turned 4 but well…time…doesn’t want to slow down at all. It’s a miracle I kept up with Grace’s posts.

My most proud thing about Hudson is how much of an amazing big brother he is. Ever since Grace was born bubba has loved her more than anything and vice the verse. He hangs the moon for her. He teaches her so much. And not just by example but I really wanting her to come along with him. He is protective of her, proud of her and loves her more than anyone. He is the best big brother.

Bubba started school this year and his teacher brags on how good of a kid he is, teachers saying “is he really that good?” She tells me how well he pays attention to their lessons, helps the other kids out when they need it and plays with anyone who needs someone to play with. He fills up his good behavior chart pretty quickly too. Yes you could totally say I’m a pretty darn proud mommy. He’s so smart, so caring and such a good boy.

Now at home, where he feels safe and comfortable to be himself don’t get me wrong he is a smart butt sometimes. Takes his sister’s toys out of her hands if he was playing with it first and other sibling whatnots but even then, he’s still a super good kiddoe. We’ve been most definitely the luckiest parents ever.

Ever since sissy has been in his life he’s been willing to try new foods. I would say it’s mainly because she eats anything and there’s a slight competition going  on lol. He will try most things but some he still won’t.

Changes in bubba since he’s started school. My bubba used to be shy. If he came across a situation that made him uncomfortable he would back down and not really be sure on what to do about it. Now if he doesn’t like something he tells the kid no, you can do that but I’m going to do what I want to do. I know that might sound silly to be happy about but he’s not rude he just learning to tell people he doesn’t have to do what they do if they are bossy. They can both just do what they want. And that’s ok to want to do different things.

One of my favorite things is I’ll call him baby. If a friend is over and they tell him, “you aren’t a baby” because they are just being matter of fact he tells them no but I’ll always be my mommy’s baby. And I say dang right bubba. I still rock him to bed sometimes when he wants me to and we talk about how I’ll do it even if his feet are hitting the floor. Think what you want about that. No one will ever take that sweetness away from me. It’s already fading away because he can’t get comfortable. So the end is near. Just trying to hang on as long as I can.

 Bubba started Tee-ball in September and it was the cutest thing ever! So fun to see them go from clueless rascals running all over the field attacking each other to get the ball even though they were on the same team to eventually getting the process of the game and going through 2 innings or more. I loved watching bubba. And while I’m bragging because I’m his mom he totally seems like a natural. So focused and ready to catch a fly or ground ball. Being show how to step into his swing and totally owning it. We asked him if he wanted to play tee-ball or something else and he was already ready for us to sign up for his 2nd season. Who knows…we may have the next generation cubs player in our house. We’ll see. Hudson also loves to dance and he’s good at it too. Ok sorry yes I’m his mom and could brag on just about anything. He sings great too. Have him sing “One Call Away” for you. Made me cry the first time I heard him sing it. All in all he’s just one amazing child to me. I’m so lucky to be able to call myself his mom. We may bicker like brother and sister sometimes but he’s my best little friend and I couldn’t be any more lucky than to call him my son.

Bubba I can’t believe you have been in my life for 5 years. Feels like I’ve had you my whole life. A huge part of my life began when you came into this world. Thank you for making mommy’s heart feel much larger than I could have ever imagined. I love to watch you shine and I’ll always be your biggest fan. Go get ‘em my little ball player!

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