Saturday, April 9, 2016

9 months going on 10

I'm late. Ayaya. Grace took her first steps 4 days before she turned 9 months. She saw her cousin Ella last week and she's a  full time walker. She wants you to put her down when she first wakes up. Boyee sound familiar? Her wild bubba did the same thing. I don't have one but two active little ones shouldn't I look like a supermodel at this point? Lol jk. 

Grace also went on her fishing trip last month and we fit in the camper just fine. I forsee lots of trips in our near future. Hoping to get her hooked too. 😍

Grace loooooves to eat. She's in the lower percentiles for weight but don't let that fool you. She wants to at least try everything once and if she likes it keep it coming. She has 8 teeth so she can eat steak (not really) but just about anything. She likes pretty much everything. Her latest tries and likes are Mac and cheese and cheese enchiladas. 

The times of bumps & bruises. Grace got her first busted lip from trying to climb up a bed, constantly hitting that beautiful forehead and there are times she wipes out flat on her back and she just smiles and gets up to start over. She's so resilient and I think owes that to her bubba being ever so sweetly rough with her. He's a great big bubba and never intends to hurt her but she tries to keep up and most times she does. 

Latest fun things:
-mock us with kissing noises
-waiving hi
-blowing her tongue back at us
-attempting to run (and making me very nervous)
-climbing up stairs (only with mommy behind her)
-she loves being chased, tickled and makes me laugh because she loves he thrill of being scared. 

We love you our sweet little angel. You make my heart feel bigger than I ever thought possible. Happy 9 almost 10 months. 

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