Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weeks 22-35 & Words of Hudson Wisdom

As I said a few blogs ago…I'm slacking. Here's Grace growing weeks 22-35 :) and a few fun things my sweet Hudson tells me :)

Mr. Fixer:  "Mommy, let me look under your chair. I'm good at fixing things. (He looks and messes with the screws) You are good to go mommy."

Sweet Tooth:  "Listen to me mommy. You need to get me a lollipop please."

Best big brother ever:  "I'm going to rock Grace. She's going to love me."
He looks down at her from time to time and says, "Oh hi Grace. I love you." My favorite is when he takes his little hands and puts one on top of my belly and one below and says, "Grace is this big."

We went shopping for Grace and I forgot how the conversation started but he tells me, "I've been waiting for Grace for 100 years."

Melts my heart:  "Mommy, hold me like a prince for bed" as I whisk him away like a princess :).

Future Poet: We were riding home from pawpaw's birthday dinner and Hudson starts to sing  "Peppa peppa in my home. Pepa Peppa on pawpaw's phone" and "North Star North Star can you get in the car. Can I hold you in my arm."

Kisses:  When we get sick it takes every part of us to not give him kisses on his mouth. He would ask me every day, "Mommy, are you feeling better?" then he would pull up my shirt over my mouth to kiss me.

Angel Boy:  we'll be sitting on the couch and he puts his hand on my cheek and gives me a sweet smile. Then tells me, "I love you mommy. I love your pretty eyes."

Cutest Backseat Driver:  "Mommy to get home you go around the world..take a left and then you are there."

I love this precious boy and sweet angel Grace growing in my belly so much. I can't believe how lucky I am to call myself their mommy.

I'm 36 weeks today but I'll post that one next time :)

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