Thursday, May 14, 2015

A little more catching up :)

April 28th Hudson received a new beautiful baby cousin to adore. Ella Josephine Lancaster was born while we all slept in our beds. I woke up to a wonderful text saying she was here. It was the best way to wake up. We flew over to the hospital after I got off work and we all immediately fell in love. Hudson was so adorable. Being so soft and sweet with her. He didn't want to let me hold her. He wasn't ready to give someone else a turn. He kissed her and held her hand. So in love…so sweet!

That weekend we celebrated maw maw's birthday (5/2) on 5/3 with some yummy dinner and a good time at maw maw and pawpaw's house. 

Friday May 8th we took maw maw and aunt Brigette flowers for Mother's Day at the shop. When I then discovered that The Thinkery was only 10 minutes from the shop I packed up Hudson fast and took off. I've been wanting to take him here for months and I'm so glad I did. 

Hudson has been building boobytraps in our house. He lines things up thinking that each thing is going to effect the next. It's so adorable to see his brain work. I knew The Thinkery would be awesome for him. We hadn't been to this new awesome location :) 

This top left picture is my favorite of all time. Those are the wheels I love to see turning. So many things there to make him think, build and play. It's so pretty out there too. There's a lake, beautiful park, birds, ducks, geese, so much to do. I absolutely love getting to see my bubba learn and experiment. I love to see his mind blown. It blows mine.

Daddy painted Grace's room and put together our new glider/rocker. So glad we got her one. I can't wait to have all those heart to hearts I've had with Hudson in his chair. Even still do. I will never give that up. Best, sweetest memories of my life. 

Mawmaw came in a put her magic decorating skills to work. My mom has more talent than I could ever dream of and she did not pass that to me. My sister stole it all. Hehe. I just love how perfect Grace's room is. I couldn't have imagined it. I absolutely love it and know she will too. Just perfect!

While we're in decorating mode we also got Hudson a few new decorations. Some dinosaur decals he absolutely loves. He's so excited to show you Grace's room when you come over and his too. 

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