Thursday, May 14, 2015

More Catching Up…

More catching up means photo collages and fun memories in a flash. 

Hudson LOVES to help me make things. We made cookies for Ella's surprise baby sprinkle for nanny. He made most of he cookies for me. I was totally surprised he didn't want to eat them all like mommy did. 

I'm adding a few other photos of my bubba just being adorable. Love his smile and I love putting it on his face. I will do just about anything to get this boy to smile because he makes my heart smile every second of every day.

We've been hitting up the pool since late March. Anything to get out and soak in some warm sun and have fun in the water. Even went to our favorite date spot. The Liz Carpenter fountain. I just love taking Hudson there. You can have a picnic. Stroll up and down the hill (or race down it like Hudson likes to do and scare me). Splash in the water, feed the turtles, so much in this one spot smack in the middle of Austin. It's a true treasure.

We even made daddy's birthday cake together. Daddy's birthday fell on Easter this year (April 5th) so there was some cake making and egg decorating fun. Bubba loved help keeping it a secret from daddy. He kept telling daddy, "Don't go in the kitchen!" My precious little helper. 

We celebrated some other birthdays as well. Cousin Noah turned 5 on April 1st. Hudson would say, "Noah is 5! Can you believe it!?!" And we celebrated Hapa's 106th birthday on 4/18! After a week of rained it turned out to be a nice day for hapa's birthday :). 

On April 11th pawpaw scored us some free MotoGP tickets. Hudson and I raced over (not really) to the race and let me tell son was quiet the ladies man. He got to take his picture with the Ducati girls and he wasn't bashful at all. We stayed for at least 3 hours and sure enough my bubba had a great time. 

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