Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fishing March 13th 2015

I'm so behind it's not even funny. Can I blame it on baby brain? I use that excuse a lot these days.

We took Hudson fishing one last time before I knew I would be cut off from traveling. I had been looking since January for a somewhat warm weekend and sure enough one came up. My dad and I drove down Thursday night with Hudson. He did so good until he realized we weren't going to be going home. He kept saying, "I want to go to sleep in my bed." We then kept telling him that we were going home and that bought us a few hours. Sure enough..he fell asleep right before we got there.

The next morning he woke up and had the biggest smile on his face. He loves the coast as much as we all do.

I knew this would be the last trip to the coast even though I had planned 4 more after it. I just felt like maybe this was it before we reached the point where I shouldn't travel anymore. We'll go back with Grace for sure. I hope I can get her hooked too :)

Friday we fished with pawpaw on the pier all morning. My precious bubba waited patiently for a fish in his ever so cute fishing hat (we borrowed from uncle Chris). We even held hands while we wait. Holding onto these sweet memories as long as I can.

We did our usual feeding the pelicans with the little perch we caught. Every time we pulled a perch out of the water Hudson would say, "That's the biggest fish I've ever seen!" Ever time. It was so adorable.

We also hit up the beach. Another favorite of mine. It was too cold to go for a swim but that didn't keep us from taking our shoes off to walk in and find shells. My precious little adventurer. Always willing to experience something new with me. I could do whatever Hudson wants to do every second of my life if I could. Nothing makes me happier than fulfilling some idea he has.

Friday night daddy got there and we all went fishing the next day. We could hang out at the fishing center the whole time. Most times Hudson and I do. We go to the beach too but we don't get on the boat with daddy and pawpaw yet. One day we will but for now this is exactly where we want to be.

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