Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year New Adventures

Happy New Year (a tiny bit late on this one). For the first time ever Hudson loved the fireworks. It was wonderful. He sat on my lap and we watched all the fireworks go off around us. My parent's house in prime position on the land (the compound) where we can see fireworks from everyone around us. It's so awesome! Hudson said, "There's so many fireworks, I can't believe it!" and "It's AMAZING." Uncle Thomas threw little fireworks off the house and Hudson said, "He's magic!"It was so adorable. Mommy, daddy and bubba all got our new year's good luck kiss. We're looking forward to an amazing year.

Hudson and I got sick on New Years Day so we stayed home and tried to take it easy. Hudson doesn't slow down for anything…seriously..nothing. Daddy went hunting and because the weekend was beautiful mommy figured out how to make a sand pit at home. It was awesome! I got a nice clerk at home depot to load the sand on the cart and in the car. I didn't realize those bags were 50 lbs! And then I safely pulled them out of the car (up high) into a wheel barrel and went through our house onto the back porch and poured them into the baby pool. No lifting necessary ha! After that we had HOURS of fun in the sand. We felt more sick that first night from being outside I think but it was totally worth it. By we maybe I just felt worse but Hudson definitely had a great time and to me..that was worth anything. We even had to put socks on our hands so we could keep playing. I could have totally gone to get gloves as we really don't need them in Texas but this was a much faster solution LOL.

 Hudson wrote his initials in the sand with me. I never know when he's supposed to know things so this totally amazed me. I think we'll be learning to write in the sand. It made it so much fun and no stress at all. He was excited to copy me. He even moved his skills to a chalk board. We're onto something :)

New Year's Resolutions? Not really…just a year of trying new things :). So, this was going to be a weekly email but so far…that's been impossible ha! So I will try to keep up on this idea I have for the new year. Every month (and hopefully every week) I'm going to try to get Hudson to try a new food. He's very picky. When he was almost 2 year sold and younger he would eat just about anything. Yep, including veggies. He LOVED cucumbers for the longest time and green beans…now if he sees green he immediately says he doesn't want it (totally his dad's son). One time pawpaw and I got him to eat broccoli by calling them baby trees but that doesn't work every time. Luckily right now he's a big carrot boy (with ranch of course).

Last week we tried spaghetti and funny enough he loves to eat plain noodles with absolutely nothing on them. No sauce, not butter, no salt, just plain noodles. It's probably because mommy showed him how fun it is to slurp them up but he ate them by the handful. Plain noodles that's it. Plus I thought if I had him help me cook he would be more interested…sure enough he tried it and liked it :). The next day we tried a veggie patty. He so didn't go for that at all. Not even one single tiny bite. All in all, last weekend was a success to me because he ate noodles and he never has before.

I just love my precious boy. I can't believe he's going to be 3 next weekend. He amazes me by the second and always has. I love every moment I have with this boy and I cherish them all. Slow down my little angel. You are growing way too fast!

Update on baby bump:

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