Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's A GIRL!

We found out this past Tuesday that our precious angel to come is a GIRL!!! When Karl and I started dating (like within the first weeks) we had a long conversation one night on the phone where we planned our wedding day and how many kids we would have. I of course said 5 and he said 2. He will probably win that battle but we then talked about having our boy first and then our little girl. It's so funny how life works. Hudson waited patiently and so well. The appointment was an hour long and then we had an immediate follow up with our doctor to discuss things. He did so good. I'm so proud of him! My awesome little almost 3 year old.

We're so very excited to be having our little princess Grace Alvena. I can't wait to meet her. She was so unbelievably beautiful. We asked Hudson what he thought she was right before we found out and he said girl. He's been saying all a long that he wants 1 boy and 1 girl. I'm putting two and two together and I'm thinking he wants to be the 1 boy and then we have 1 girl (Grace!) because he kept telling us, "I'm going to be the boy." Haha…we'll just make sense of it because it's so darn cute.

He saw the baby and said she's beautiful. My angel Hudson will treat his new baby sister like the most beautiful girl in the world. I seriously can't wait.

And Hudson got a donut so he was extra extra happy. He LOVES donuts.

Last weekend bubba got his birthday hair cut from maw maw :). Then he got to jump in muddy puddles. Hehe. Just love letting him do whatever puts a smile on his fast. Love this boy to the moon and back. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him and soon to have my angel Grace in my arms. Oh boy this is going to be so much fun!

I then got the best kisses and snuggles ever. Makes me the luckiest. Mommy. Ever.

I've been taking these belly pics without Hudson but I'm going to start including my bubba. Especially when he makes faces like these :) hehe. And I can now put a name on these :) hehehe :).


  1. YAY! Love this post- such a beautiful story. :) Your bump is too cute. I'm obsessed. Can't wait to meet your sweet Grace!
