Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Sweet Baby Memory

Monday this week we had a busy day. Mommy worked a little in the morning. We took a break to run some errands and went to eat lunch at Hyde Park Grill. Their fries and chicken fried chicken are amazing. And so is all of their food. I felt this way before pregnancy too LOL. If you are ever in Austin I highly recommend :).

Side note:  Just love this precious boy! We had 1 warm sunny day on Friday last week (12/26) and we played outside for at least 3-4 hours. It was soooo beautiful and so is my angel :)

Then back home for a late nap for Hudson and little more work for mommy. I so wanted a nap that day but it wasn't in the cards that day LOL. This 2nd trimester has me more tired than the first. Isn't it supposed to be the reverse? Who knows LOL. Anyhow, I knew it would be a late night because we didn't wake up Hudson until 6 PM (big parenting no no lol). We played with toys and then when 9 PM rolled around I gave bubba a bath and we laid in my bed to watch Planes Fire & Rescue. Such a cute movie! 

After a bit I kept feeling the baby kick. Just like on Christmas morning. It was a lot. I'm thinking it was the yummy lunch I had or something because it was non-stop. I called Karl down into our room to feel it and sure enough he did! It was such an awesome moment. Daddy was the first to feel baby #2 kick and it just feels so early for him to be able to feel it. It was exciting. Hudson watched daddy feel and then after daddy kissed the belly and talk to the baby Hudson joined in. It was so adorable and such a sweet moment to see Hudson joining in on the fun. My belly is getting bigger but it's not round yet so it's a little confusing I think to Hudson. I bet when "the ball" comes he will really start to understand it a little more. 

Just a sweet moment definitely worth writing about. We find out what the baby is on 1/13. I CAN'T WAIT!!

I'm 17 weeks tomorrow so I'm a day early but here's a baby belly picture :)

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