Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Once again..I'm behind. Oy :)

Thanksgiving was fun :). We had it our house again (which we plan to forever more I'm sure) and I LOVE it. We woke up to yummy smelling turkey (not burning grease like the previous year - mama and dada learned from that mistake). Went down to check on it and it was juicy and falling off the bone. PERFECT!

Uncle Robert stopped by for a quick visit and Hudson and I watched a tiny bit of the Thanksgiving Parade. Call me silly but I didn't realize there was so much Broadway stuff on it. The first song was cute because Hudson was trying to dance like the people on the tv. He's a dancer for sure. He quickly lost interest so I tried to fast forward to the bands (my favorite part) and he played in the living room while it was on in the background.

The whole family (minus a few) got together and ate until we were going to explode. We seriously always make too much food. But that's what leftovers are for :)

We ended the night with our traditional viewing of Elf while Karl was working the UT game.

Another one of our traditions is Christmas in Boerne. We got out there early and on the way Hudson kept saying how tired he was. He never fell asleep for a nap and I knew it was recipe for disaster. We got there and he had a great time with cousin Noah riding the ponies, petting the animals and playing in the fake snow. Soon after when the rest of the family showed up bubba started to get grouchy. He was exhausted. He passed out at 7! that's too early for this boy LOL. He slept on pawpaw for another hour until we got the kettle cooked popcorn and were ready to take off. Hudson woke up before we got back to the car to head home. He was awake the whole way home. Luckily he went right to bed with me. I'm glad we got there early to have bubba enjoy the kiddy festivities. That's the best part of the whole event :).


  1. What a LOVELY time we had...Cherishing the memories and can't wait for future ones....Love you <3
