Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December so far and a few funnies

I love sharing Hudson's funny quotes.

This morning he walks out of his room looking for me while I work on the couch. As we go back in his room to change him he walks over to his fan and says, "Mommy, I forgot to turn this off…I wasn't paying attention." He says this now "wasn't paying attention" because we went to Target and we almost ran into a lady with our cart and while we all were apologizing to each other I said, "Oh no it was me, I wasn't paying attention."

He's walking around with his Mikey mouse and hugs him. Then tells him, "I'll keep you forever."

He asks me to sing "Fly me to the moon" to him every night. It's the sweetest thing. When I sing hold my hand and baby kiss me he plays the part. He even sang it to his daddy the other night so he could kiss him. Such a sweetheart!!

My silly picky son loves to decorate but doesn't like sugar cookies. Just found that out this week. Silly picky boy!

He also loves to sweep. He always says, "I'm cleaning up all this mess." Yeah…our house stays pretty messy. Who has time to clean?

Every day Hudson takes two toys (could be 2 cars, 2 dinosaurs and even 2 hands) and starts pretending to talk to each other. First thing he always says is, "Hello friend." After talking and playing awhile he says, "I have to go friend. I have to go to my family." I don't know where he learned that from but love that he plays and goes home to his family.

From decorating our tree, maw maw & pawpaw's tree and decorating our house. We've been busy little elves.

Lately he's been walking around picking up everything and saying, "Look, I'm strooong." He is very strong. Almost stronger than his mom sometimes. He's going to be stronger than me in no time.

This boy LOVES to win. We're working on teaching him to be a gracious loser but we'll see. Boys are so competitive!

After Budafest last weekend we wrote our letter to Santa and this is why Hudson doesn't want to sit on Santa's lap.

Each year gets more and more fun. Hudson loved the Budafest parade and this year he got to ride some rides with cousin Noah and had a wonderful time. They were amazed at the sight of Santa even though Hudson didn't want to sit on his lap. Their sweet stunned faces when Santa drove by was priceless. He is a rock star to them. So fun! I love this time of year and making so many fun memories with my family and angel. He truly is the best.

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