Saturday, April 20, 2013

15 month old Scientist

I call bubba a 15 month old scientist because he's working on a lot of case studies. If I do this...this happens. If I continue to do this...this happens. I can't say he's ready to write about his findings but he's definitely doing a lot of testing. And while some or most would get mad or lose patience it's so amazing how much he's learning. It's amazing to see how much he understands and how he's discovering cause and effect. And how he does care about effect sometimes lol.

Per his doctor, words bubba knows are words that sound like words that he uses with purpose. I knew I wasn't crazy :). So if that's the case bubba knows and understands a good amount. He's really into the "B's" these days. Bubba, bubble, back, bye, baby just to name a few.

Exciting things this month? How about scary ones first?

Hudson is climbing on everything and jumping off with no fear. He does know how to safely get down but more times then not he wants to go the most unsafe route. Causing lots of bumps and bruises. I hate to say it but I have told him what all parents (or at least mine) say, "you are going to send me to an early grave." Is this something really to tell your 15 month old? Probably not but all of this stuntman activity makes me super nervous. I remain cool on the exterior but sometimes it gets hard. And I absolutely hate seeing bruises on my beautiful babies head. I know there's much worse to come. Oh and one more...he now can open doors! He finally figured it out today. Oh boy oh's going to get wild!

Most exciting for me? The front facing car seat. Soooo much fun. I absolutely love seeing his precious face and talking to him. And watching him raise his head like a little turtle to probably be a backseat driver (like his dada lol sorry honey...throwing you under the bus). are looking at the 2013 winners of the Friedeck household spelling bee. Not Hudson but momma and dada. We have to spell certain words or else Hudson will figure out what we are talking about. He loooves fruit. He would eat fruit alone for an entire meal. One thing he loves to eat the most that we have to spell is orange. If you say orange you better start peeling. We have to spell it cause he will eat so many that the going #2 count goes way up. Sorry gross but true haha. We also have to spell "out." If you say out you better have your shoes on. Bubba is an outdoor boy for sure. He's our trail runner and fisherman in the making.

Best thing that happened all month? Dada finally getting through 4/15. We've never been happier to get dada back. Tax season is rough. Especially when you miss someone this awesome.

Below:  Celebrating grandpa's 104th birthday! 4 great generations. Shiner on bubba's forehead :(. Loving that smile in the car :). have the best smile and heart in the world. Happy 15 months our beautiful angel!

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