Sunday, August 19, 2012

7 Month Speed Boat

If I thought a lot happened last month...boy did things really start to speed up and not slow down. This little monkey is pulling himself up on our ottoman and taking baby steps (no pun intended hehehe...ok maybe pun intended). I'm thinking there's going to be some walking in the very near future.

Let's see....where to begin.

Mr. Independent has become mommy's shadow. Hudson will be playing all alone and then all the sudden want to climb up mommy mountain to bite on my shoulder or just have my full attention. We watch ourselves on my phone in videos we make together. It's the best thing ever. Hudson is the star of this two man...(baby and momma) show.

Thanks to Natalie (once again haha) we're trying out Cheerios and Hudson LOVES to pick them up, put them close to his mouth and chew air...haha..he thinks he puts them in his mouth when in reality he probably gets in 1 out of 4 Cheerios in. He'll get the hang of it. It's either none or 3 at one time.

We started pureed meats this week and he LOVES them. Probably taste way better than just veggies. We can start small pieces of meat now but I think we're going to wait just a tad bit longer. Oh yeah, the biggest change that happened this month is this crazy boy can't just lay down or recline to eat. He has to stand. It's the funniest thing. I'm starting to wonder if he's just not interested in a bottle. Might have to switch to milk in a sippy cup only. We're not there yet but I bet he would be happy.

Just a few weeks ago we lowered the mattress in Hudson's crib because I found him standing one day and thought for sure that he would climb out (scary). Bubba stands every time he wakes up and greets me with most times a smile :) unless I'm not fast enough (haha).

Bubba has also figured out how to push the cable box and dvd player buttons. Too bad they make those buttons light up. He knows just where to push. Can't get a shiny light past this booger.

This little speed boat makes me crazy. We love him soooo much. Happy 7 months bubba.

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