Tuesday, July 22, 2014

2.5 Year Old Water Boy

My son loves the water. Lake water, pond water, day old baby pool water, ocean water (also a drink from Sonic he loves)…just about any place you can find water. He even loves the sink water…so mommy has taken advantage of a dish rinser. He LOVES to help mommy wash the dishes. He has even cried saying, "but I need to wash the dishes." Remember that honey….I know I will.

I've been thinking about getting him a water table for outside but I just feel like it would be a mosquito attraction. Let me know what y'all think. I'm open to suggestions. He doesn't really need one but man…if I could buy my son the world..I would.

My sweet friend Natalie posted the cutest sayings Hudson's friend Noah has been saying (aka Natalie's precious son #1) so I copied her and started jotting down the funny things Hudson says.

One day while eating a cookie Hudson saw a bird and said "come here birdie..I'm trying to give you a cookie."

Hudson loves to say too a lot. He says, "daddy, I love you so much too too too." Or if someone says "too" he says "me three." Smart cookie.

If you say you love something Hudson will turn around and say "I love it too!"

I will say, "Aye Aya Captain" when Hudson asks me to do something. He says, "Aye Aya Captain Mommy" or when I say, "Thank you sir" he says, "Thank you sir Mommy." I LOVE it :).

Back in April we found out that Hudson loves to be at the coast :) yay! We've been a few more times since daddy's birthday. This past weekend he dug in the water & sand looking for a crab. I tried to explain to him that they have pinchers but he did it anyway. If you hand a fish to him right he will take it from you. His fearlessness amazes me. I tried to teach him how to cast out his line and we're getting there. Give me half a year and he'll be casting his line like a pro (or like his mommy hehe). He's got the reeling thing down. He's especially excited to do it when there's a fish on.

Yes, that's my baby peeing outside at the coast in the middle right picture :)

My favorite thing this month:  Pausing on each page of the books we read. Before I start to read he starts talking about what that page says (we read them a lot) then after I read I pause again and his little imagination takes off. The words out of his mouth are the ones the author left off. I love to hear what he comes up with.

Hudson's best little friend? Cousin Noah. Definitely should call them 2 peas in a pod. The future Marky & Riley (inside family note). These two are inseparable when they get to see each other. Hudson even cries for him when he's not here. They are the sweetest babies.

Hurdles this month? Hudson is smart. He truly amazes me by the second. This month he repeats what I say with intention. I have to remember through all things this is a huge learning experience for both of us. While I may not be perfect I will tell you it takes effort to try to be the best you can be so that your child learns how to be. Being a parent reminds you that we should always strive to be the best of who we are. It's not easy all of the time and that's ok. It's not supposed to be. So, when I say, "I'm asking you to be quiet please" and Hudson turns around and says, "you be quiet" (thanks to nana's advice) I say, "how about we be quiet together." I will have to turn things into us doing them together. He's been my shadow for 2.5 years. It only makes sense for us to do it all together.

Potty training. How's that going? It's going however Hudson wants it to go. Haha. We tried the naked for 3 days thing. Got 2 hours into it with tears and stopped it right away. Fun method but not for us. Daddy showed him how to pee like a country boy (outside) and now it's fun. He goes in his potty and outside as much as we remind him too. This is the pace I like. Hudson pace. Less tears, stress, and pressure.

A few more sweet notes for this month:  2 times this past month my bubba let me hold him like a baby as he fell asleep for nap or bed time. Made my heart happy. Every time bubba grabs my hand it makes me feel like my heart is going to explode. I love my bubba to the moon and back. Can't believe he's seen July 3 times now. Can't believe you are growing so fast and learning so much. You amaze me.


  1. I love your little family! Hudson is such an awesome combination of both you and Karl! Y'all are awesome parents. He's perfect!

    1. Awe thanks Natalie :). Love you! Your boys are wonderful as are y'all! I can't wait to see y'all!
