Monday, August 18, 2014

31 Month Old Driver

Pawpaw comes over twice a week and always brings a toy car. It used to be candy but now bubba gets to keep his surprises from pawpaw. He will tell you, "Mommy, you want to play with me? Pawpaw gave me all of these cars." We went to Garden Ridge (soon to be At Home) and bought two car rugs. I'm so glad we did. Bubba could drive his cars for hours on his car rugs. He stops to fill up with gas, washes his car, rides up the mountains then goes home on his rug. I LOVE his imagination. It just gets more and more creative.

Funny quotes from Hudson this month:

We went to the Texas Military Forces Museum a few weeks ago. Hudson saw a dummy dressed in military attire and he grabbed his hand. He took a step back and looked puzzled at me. He said, "Um mommy…he's not alive." I tried to explain he was fake and even though I think he understands he totally got creeped out. I've never seen my baby get creeped out. A pretty funny first.

I love to call my baby "my baby." Any time I do he says, "I'm not a baby, I'm Hudson. I told you that mommy."

My all time favorite:  "Mommy, you are the best." Especially when he says it first. Melts my heart!

When he's finished eating and we tell him he has more left on his plate he tells us, "I'm done, I have energy."

We're driving and he tells me, "Mommy, you can't hop down from that big bridge, you will hurt the car." Or he tells me, "Mommy, I want to walk home." After I tell him no he says, "I can't walk on the road mommy. You see that car up there (he points ahead). That car is going to run over me."

My son's fearlessness amazes me. He will jump from any height (haven't taken him anywhere where that could be dangerous lol). It doesn't even phase him. He has no fear of heights. In fact…I'm not really sure what he's scared of other than maybe a huge dog or something (oh and getting creeped out about the dummy that's not alive). It seriously blows me away. I hope I can keep him like that. I don't have a lot of fear but I do have some I do not wish to pass to him. Looks like I've been successful so far :).

Not sure if I've written about this but my bubba will ask me at night to hold him like a baby. Of course I would NEVER turn that down. He falls asleep and my heart feels full.

My adorable son has become a backseat driver. He tells me when to stop and go based on the color of the stoplights. The other day he tells me "Mommy, it's green go go go!" I had to tell him (like talking to a sibling), "I can't there's a car in front of me!" LOL! May be one of those moments that you'd have to be there but it's funny to "argue" with him. It's like he's my little brother.

I was looking at old videos and 1. It made me sad to see how much my baby has grown = too fast. I know, that's what's supposed to happen, just makes me miss my little baby. 2. Bubba had just started talking kind of good 1 year ago. Now he doesn't stop. He's learning so much. Remembers so much. We joke and say he's an elephant. He never forgets what you say. He'll tell you the same thing you told him days ago when you are repeating an activity. He truly amazes me.

Oh I almost forgot! Hudson has entered the stage of "what's this?" He asks that question a billion times. It's actually funny. Makes me laugh. Then I remember I need to give him a good answer. He's learning so much and wanting to learn so much. He also asks "how are you doing that?" which sometimes I think he means why are we doing that but I answer it in both ways. He also loves to win. Uh oh. HAHA. Mommy will try to tell him "we win" and daddy will teach him he doesn't always win. We'll see how this turns out. Haha. He likes to be faster, taller and a winner. Well I'll give him this. He stole my hear the fastest, I want him to reach for the sky and he has won my heart for all of time.

I also forgot to post about our latest fishing trip. This time Hudson got to watch a girl from Froggie's feed a dolphin. She almost pet the dolphin. Hudson thought that was the coolest thing. Our last trip was short but sweet. We got some good fishing in. Hudson and I walked to the store across from the camper every morning to get breakfast. We were living up the coast life ha!

Happy 31 Months Baby. Can't believe in 5 months my baby will be 3!

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