Monday, June 23, 2014

2 Father's Day weekends 2014

After our awesome fishing trip for Karl's birthday we decided we were going to take our dad's fishing again for a Father's Day present.

We tried to surprise our dads on father's day but pawpaw found out early due to the fact that his daughter (that's me) not being able to lie - pawpaw asked me if we were fishing for fathers day as a joke and I said "noooo…."  I have a horrible poker face. I said, "dad! don't ask me those questions! I can't lie!"

The day started off with Shipley's and bacon for daddy and then we got the dads together to eat BBQ and surprised pops. As soon as we surprised him I could see the planning wheels turning. He was ready to go! We all were :). 

We had the family over and it was so much fun :). Hudson had a blast with cousin Noah splashing in the baby pool and then of course went to the pool and enjoyed the sun :). 

To get our fishing trip started pawpaw, Hudson and I packed up the truck and headed down a day early. We stayed at the camper. With an interesting arrival at midnight Hudson wanted his bed but was ready to go the next day. He was in the camper and having a blast. A new place to explore. AKA pawpaw's trick to show mommy & daddy that Hudson can stay in the camper just fine and that means more fishing trips! YAY! :) 

 We took Hudson to the beach and he loved it. I thought he wouldn't want to get in the water. Sure enough it only took seeing mommy step in and he quickly and fearlessly followed. Sinking his feet in the sand screaming "where did my feet go" to picking up shells with hermit crabs. He loved it. We then fished a little before we headed to the house we rented. 

We picked up the keys and headed to the house. Unloaded our stuff and headed back to the dock to fish and watch the boats load. Daddy, nana and pops showed up and we met everyone back at the house for some yummy burgers and good conversation :). 

Saturday Hudson slept until 9:30! His naps were all different and he was exhausted from all the fun. He slept good. So did mommy. We fished with nana, shee and Thomas for awhile, took a boat ride, and then hit up the beach. Hudson built sandcastles. It was wonderful. I've never brought him to the beach before. So happy to know now I can :). He was a trooper. Love peaking his curiosity and watching him enjoy himself. That Saturday night we surprised everyone with gumbo for dinner. Karl made it on Wednesday and froze it for the trip. It was soooooo good. :)

Sunday we got up and hit the beach one more time before saying good bye. Hudson was ready to go home but I know he had a wonderful time. I just love making my bubba happy. It makes me the happiest mommy ever. All in all it was a wonderful weekend had by all. Can't wait to do it again :). 

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