Saturday, May 17, 2014

Busy Weekend + Mother's Day 2014

I'm so very proud to announce that my baby cousin Cameron Scott Guidry is a Texas State Alumni. He graduated on Thursday May 8th. It was so awesome to see him cross the stage and yell for him of course. And of course Hudson and I were sporting our Texas State gear. Eat 'Em Up Cats! Woo HOO!

Side note:  Hudson was so cute! The band was playing in the beginning and Hudson started to conduct.  After the song was over he clapped and bowed! He is so awesome and so dang cute! Just love to see his cute personality come out. It's wonderful!

Friday we threw a surprise crawfish boil for Cameron and all of his hard work. Karl and I lied to him and asked if we could take him to dinner. He showed up at my parent's house to get ready to go to dinner. Saw the crawfish and it clicked. It was spicy and so much fun. We used to do that a lot when I was a kid. It's been awhile. So glad we got to celebrate Cameron and all of his hard work! Now onto grad school. Have fun Cameron!

For Mother's Day I wanted to take bubba to the Liz Carpenter Fountain. Man I love that fountain. Every time we go it reminds us of Chicago. How beautiful it is. How all these people are around with their coolers for picnics, towels and swimsuits watching the little ones run around the fountain. If you live in Austin and like to have some laid-back free fun it's a must! We went Saturday night for a picnic dinner. We had such a wonderful night. We ran through the water. Fed the turtles and ate our dinner. Best date ever.

Next morning on Mother's Day we headed to maw maw's house to make her breakfast. We had a vegan breakfast. My sissy made vegan french toast. Karl made a yummy fruit salad and I made vegan breakfast tacos. YUM! We ate on the back porch. It was a beautiful morning.

Afterwards we headed to Fudruckers with nana, pops, Shelly and Liam. We had lunch and headed back home for bubba's nap. Karl took his mommy (nana) to Natural Gardener and got her some fun plants. Afterwards we went to the pool. It was such a relaxing yet fun day. All in all it was a wonderful Mother's Day for all.

Another Side Note:  A few of my thoughts on the best parts of being a mommy. My angel makes my heart feel so full of love. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I feel like I could literally climb the highest mountain and tell the world about it. He sings "You are my Sunshine" with me. First time was a week or two ago. I was rocking him for a nap and started to sing to him. He started singing along with me and it was the most precious thing ever. His sweet precious voice jerked (not just tugged) on my heart strings. It felt like my heart was going to explode. It was one of the sweetest moments. 

Another time I was rocking him to sleep he leans back to look up at me and tells me "I'm so happy to see you mommy." Where does he learn this from?!? He is hands down the sweetest baby I've ever met. I'm so very lucky to have this sweet angel of a son. 

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