Saturday, May 17, 2014

28 Month Old Sweetheart

I kid you not, there's not a day that goes by that I don't feel like the luckiest mom in the world. In fact, Karl and I sit around at night talking about how lucky we are. Or even did we get so lucky. Hudson is the biggest sweetheart ever. 

What is he up to these days? He can tell you his shapes, colors, and some of the funniest things. The other day he told me that the rain was hiding in the clouds. He picks up a lot of stuff from his shows these days. Playing his imaginary violin, trombone, trumpet and drums. 

When his guests leave he tells them, "thank you for coming over to see me," and "see you later." Every time you leave him he will give you 2 strong hugs and the best strong kiss ever. 

Hudson loves to dance and sing. He's so musical. I absolutely love it. Our evenings are spent playing on his play set, digging holes and playing with his t-ball set. My outdoor boy and I are so happy to have long sunny and warm days. 

Hudson is also a huge help and he will tell you he is too. He helps me load the laundry, clean up, throw trash away, take out the trash, water mommy's flowers, wash dishes and more. He's going to be such an awesome big brother when the time comes. I can't wait. 

How's he eating these days? Still a picky boy. He knows what he likes. His favorites are grilled chicken  with ranch dressing, pizza and mac-n-cheese. He tried spinach at his nana's house and he likes it so he will eat a few leaves for me here and there. 

Uncle Chris has visited us a few times and Hudson put on his little cow watch. He told me he looks like Chris with his watch on. So Chris took an older watch he had, took the links out to make it smaller, and gave it to Hudson. He thought he was so cool when Chris gave it to him. He said he looks like Chris and Daddy. So cute :)

Hudson is a fan of FaceTime. When he's missing pops, daddy or pawpaw he requests to talk to them. He gets his fix and is one happy boy. Technology. My son's generation. A 2 year old knows how to do FaceTime? Craziness but a lifesaver when pops, daddy or pawpaw aren't right around the corner.

Every morning Hudson wants to sit next to mommy and cuddle and we end every night the same way. This boy makes me feel like my heart is going to explode every time he grabs my hand and ever second I get to spend with him. He's my whole heart. Sweetest angel ever! 


  1. I love your Hudson Love stories...They are like Fairy Prince and Princess stories...
