Wednesday, April 23, 2014

27 Month Old Pete and Repeat

I'm very behind on this blog (whoops). My baby is now 27 months. Man my little boy is talking up a storm. It's so cool. He usually repeats every thing we say but now he tells us so much more. He remembers what you say and holds onto it until the next day or so. Or forever. He doesn't forget. He tells me what he wants which is so awesome. As a parent it's ground breaking. What really makes me laugh is when I can't decipher what he's saying and I start guessing then he gives me that smiling look you do when you are trying to talk to someone who doesn't speak your language. Makes me laugh every time. He's so smart! Blows me away. He loves to tell stories and I love to listen.

I love hearing the little funny things he comes up with. He slaps his knee and says "oh man" or you push him high in his swing and he says, "I fly high like a bird." Ask him to grab a plane in the sky and he says, "I can't it's too high." He closes his eyes and says, "I can't see mommy." My baby is also such an angel. At least every hour during the work day he comes up to me and says, "I hug mommy" he pushes my computer off my lap, takes my glasses off, wraps his arms around me and gives me a kiss. ANGEL! 

He's very into daddy these days. He always has been but even more so. We have to FaceTime with daddy on his breaks at work sometimes. He asks about daddy first thing in the morning and then says, "daddy's at work" and "he'll be home later." When he gets in trouble by mommy he says, "I need daddy." 

Hudson is very into  FaceTime these days. He likes to FaceTime daddy, paw paw and pops. His guys. It definitely makes him so very happy to talk with them if he can't see them in person. 

Hudson's FAVORITE shows to watch is Little Einsteins and Tom & Jerry. He could watch the same series of episodes over and over. His favorite pretend instrument to play is the trombone. It's the cutest thing ever. He puts one hand up to his mouth and takes the other one like he's sliding to different notes. So cute! Sometimes I wonder if he's going to be a musician. He LOVES music. 

A few weeks ago I taught Hudson what a Triangle was and he started pointing them all out. So, we've learned triangle, circle (he can draw that!), diamond, rainbow (he can draw that too!) and heart. I love his brain!

How's his activity level? Boy still never sits still for any length of time unless he's tired. He's got so much energy and it keeps us on our toes. We have dance parties to the Rio soundtrack. Swing outside and chase each other around the play set. I can't wait to take bubba swimming on a warm day. 

Overall my bubba just gets more and more awesome. I can't believe how lucky I am. He always wants to sit on mommy's lap first thing in the morning. Snuggle and drink his milk while I drink my big girls milk (coffee). Then periodically give me hugs and kisses throughout the day. Snuggle me at nap time. Snuggle me at bed time. To feel his little hand on mine makes my heart feel like it's going to explode. I am and always have been forever lucky to have this little love of my life.

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