Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hapa's 105 & Easter

Hapa turned 105 on Saturday 4/19. Can you believe that I can tell you that hapa is 105? Amazing. We took hapa to dinner to one of his favorites spots (Bill Millers) on his birthday eve. I think hapa had a good time. He couldn't believe that Hudson, Dad and I took him to dinner. He was cute.

We then celebrated his birthday on Saturday with all of our family. It was so nice. Hapa watched his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren playing. We even hunted Easter eggs. I think Hapa thoroughly enjoyed our families getting together for such a special day. He is wonderful.

My favorite thing to hear Hapa say is how wonderful it is for Hudson to be the way he is. It's such a huge compliment to hear Hapa say that. I asked Hapa what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said, "I've done it." Praise from a man who has done it all is a huge compliment. I love how Hudson loves his Hapa too. He talks about Hapa. Loves to get Hapa's attention and tell him what he's doing. Can't wait to celebrate the big 106 next year :). 

For Easter we went to PawPaw and MawMaw's house. We had a great lunch and Easter egg hunt. Loved watching my baby find all the eggs. He would open each one and see what was inside. If it wasn't what he wanted he put it down and kept looking. He's onto that game haha. 

That evening Hudson kept wanting to dig with his bucket. So I took him to a nearby park that had sand volley ball and we dug in the sand. What joy it is to do things like a kid with your love of your life. There's never a dull moment with my little angel.

27 Month Old Pete and Repeat

I'm very behind on this blog (whoops). My baby is now 27 months. Man my little boy is talking up a storm. It's so cool. He usually repeats every thing we say but now he tells us so much more. He remembers what you say and holds onto it until the next day or so. Or forever. He doesn't forget. He tells me what he wants which is so awesome. As a parent it's ground breaking. What really makes me laugh is when I can't decipher what he's saying and I start guessing then he gives me that smiling look you do when you are trying to talk to someone who doesn't speak your language. Makes me laugh every time. He's so smart! Blows me away. He loves to tell stories and I love to listen.

I love hearing the little funny things he comes up with. He slaps his knee and says "oh man" or you push him high in his swing and he says, "I fly high like a bird." Ask him to grab a plane in the sky and he says, "I can't it's too high." He closes his eyes and says, "I can't see mommy." My baby is also such an angel. At least every hour during the work day he comes up to me and says, "I hug mommy" he pushes my computer off my lap, takes my glasses off, wraps his arms around me and gives me a kiss. ANGEL! 

He's very into daddy these days. He always has been but even more so. We have to FaceTime with daddy on his breaks at work sometimes. He asks about daddy first thing in the morning and then says, "daddy's at work" and "he'll be home later." When he gets in trouble by mommy he says, "I need daddy." 

Hudson is very into  FaceTime these days. He likes to FaceTime daddy, paw paw and pops. His guys. It definitely makes him so very happy to talk with them if he can't see them in person. 

Hudson's FAVORITE shows to watch is Little Einsteins and Tom & Jerry. He could watch the same series of episodes over and over. His favorite pretend instrument to play is the trombone. It's the cutest thing ever. He puts one hand up to his mouth and takes the other one like he's sliding to different notes. So cute! Sometimes I wonder if he's going to be a musician. He LOVES music. 

A few weeks ago I taught Hudson what a Triangle was and he started pointing them all out. So, we've learned triangle, circle (he can draw that!), diamond, rainbow (he can draw that too!) and heart. I love his brain!

How's his activity level? Boy still never sits still for any length of time unless he's tired. He's got so much energy and it keeps us on our toes. We have dance parties to the Rio soundtrack. Swing outside and chase each other around the play set. I can't wait to take bubba swimming on a warm day. 

Overall my bubba just gets more and more awesome. I can't believe how lucky I am. He always wants to sit on mommy's lap first thing in the morning. Snuggle and drink his milk while I drink my big girls milk (coffee). Then periodically give me hugs and kisses throughout the day. Snuggle me at nap time. Snuggle me at bed time. To feel his little hand on mine makes my heart feel like it's going to explode. I am and always have been forever lucky to have this little love of my life.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Daddy's 31st Fishing Birthday

My son loves to fish. I'm on CLOUD NINE!

For daddy's birthday we took daddy on a secret trip. We load up in the car and as I plug the address into my new iPhone 5S Suri starts to tell us where we are going. Mommy (that's me) starts screaming so daddy can't hear and Hudson starts laughing at me. Daddy didn't hear but a third of the way into our trip daddy knew where we were going.

Pops, nana and pawpaw were waiting for us at the fishing house in Port O'Connor and surprised Karl when we got there. With 6 lbs of bacon we had awesome breakfast and dinner. My son probably ate a lb of bacon to himself.

We had a weekend of fishing planned for daddy's birthday. I can't speak for him…or maybe I can when I say was the best birthday weekend ever. We got up Saturday and got ready to go out on the boat. Hudson played on the boat while the boat was loaded with drinks, poles, boots and more. He LOVED it. We got to the water to back the boat in and after I put on my life jacket my bubba didn't have a problem matching his mommy in his life jacket (whew). He was holding on tight to nana as we got closer to the boat to get in the water but got in with a little hesitation.

After loading up with live bait we took off to our first fishing spot. Hudson wanted pops and my sleepy bubba fell asleep as we pulled up to our first fishing spot! That was probably from getting up with mommy at 5 AM and then the boat rocking him to sleep. Bubba slept on pops for close to 2 hours. In the mean time, mommy, nana, pawpaw and daddy fished.

Once Hudson woke up he immediately grabbed a net and started scooping the water. His feet even got wet and he didn't even care. He just kept scooping that water. Then daddy hooked a perch (bait) on his pole and threw it out. Had Hudson reel it in and he was pun intended. I'm so unbelievably proud of my amazing son. I chased him around the boat. He helped reel in everyone's line. Played with the perch. He tickled the perch and would pick up the fish. He totally amazed me. I can't believe my little spitfire who doesn't sit still for anything was totally enjoying staying in pawpaw's boat.

After we headed back to the dock we kept on fishing. It was so easy to catch little perch and he would scream "turn turn turn" as he reeled in his fish. He would then grab the fish and feed it to the huge pelicans after watching us do it a few times. He is fearless.

From day one I've said Hudson is my future fishing buddy. Little did I know he would totally be a natural. He will be all of our fishing buddies. Saturday night after BLTs and Zebra Cake birthday cake we fished at the dock with bubba and then again on Sunday morning. I didn't want to leave. I was having so much fun watching my bubba. This was the best trip I've ever been on. My son is so amazing.

We had so much fun with pawpaw, pops and nana. I think everyone left the weekend feeling wonderful :).