Ok, I've given up on the monthly blogs because I'm not ashamed of saying my baby is 32 months (because he technically is) but I decided to change it up a bit and say…what's going on with us each month :). I missed last month :(. Will be better this month. :)
My latest favorite conversations with Hudson…
Hudson looks in mirror after he wakes up and mommy gets ready for work, "Oh no, my hair looks crazy." Mommy brushes it and he says, "hey…that kind of looks good."
"Dino…I'm proud of you….I'm just kidding."
With his play dough creations - "Mommy let's put it here so everybody will see it."
"Mommy, you are a genius."
I ask Hudson how his day was, he says, "It was good because I was with you." **Melt my heart**
About 5 or so weeks ago my awesome friend Avery told me to show Hudson Dino Dan. He was in love at first sight. We've been collecting dinosaurs, visiting dinosaur parks, watching Dinosaur Dan and Dinosaur Train. We've watched the movie Dinosaur at least once every single day. Yes..every single day. It's been fun to see it catch on like a wildfire and take his little imagination above and beyond. He's learned the names of several dinosaurs and will tell you. I started looking them up in disbelief (sorry) but surely enough he knows what they are. Amazing.
Our evenings are spent drawing with chalk, playing with dinosaurs, decorating and having funny conversations.
Oh yeah, play dough..we've been through 16 cans of play dough (is it a can or a tub? haha). Hudson loves to make fossil outlines in his play dough. We accidentally let them dry out from moving on from one task to the other. Think that will be the last set of play dough we get for awhile. He loves making play dough mustaches. We've also gotten into a lot of arts and crafts. Finger paints, painting rocks, anything creative we're trying it. Love to see my little artist at work. My little spiderman is so cute (thanks pawpaw).

We did a 5K together! The Friedeck's (me, Karl, Hudson, Pops, Nana) and the Biehle's (Shelly, Patrick and cutie Liam) signed up for a 5K to support our sweet cousins in their IVF adventure (they won!) Hudson kept yelling at me to go faster but it was up hill for the first half. Oy. That was a surprise. Never underestimate a 5K people. Especially when pushing a child in a stroller lol. We all had great fun. So proud of my baby for participating and pushing his momma to go faster. Can't wait for him to run with me one day.
We've hit up the zoo a few times as well. It's so awesome that it's less than 10 minutes from my house. It's super to go to on a Sunday when we have no plans. I love the new things I hear from my baby every time we go. He's come a long way since his first time. First learning to make noises like a monkey (thanks nana), to naming animals, to running to his favorites animals, etc. And always loving the train ride. Love taking my little explorer.
Can't believe how big my angel is getting! Love when he snuggles with his daddy. :)
On 9/26 Hudson drew his very first intentional smiley face. It's the little things y'all but this seriously made my heart swell. I'm so unbelievably proud of him. His little face was so proud too. I could not believe he drew a smiley face. So very cute :). We also took him to his first trip to Dave & Busters for cousin Riley's birthday party. As soon as Hudson saw the games he wanted to play. I usually don't do this but mommy loaded up a game card and Hudson had so much fun. He loved this game (that isn't for toddlers) that he played with uncle Thomas. There was yelling going on and lots of whoas. :) Oh and he also put his butt on Thomas and said he was farting on him. OH BOY. The lovely lovely things he learns from daddy and pawpaw.

Last weekend for the first time since he was a baby Hudson ate carrots. I couldn't believe it. All I had to do was act like bugs bunny when I ate it and he wanted to do it too. If you don't know me that well…my son doesn't eat any vegetables. When he was 1 and younger he did all the time. He loved cucumbers, green beans, etc…not anymore. LOL. So…mommy will have to get creative on making this fun. If he sees green..he doesn't eat it.
We also played a tiny bit in underwear. We've had a lot going on with our family and bubba stopped going potty outside or in his baby potty. I'm not sure but I think it has to do with some unfortunate events going on in our family. If we even mention underwear he would cry. He's not ready. I'm not ready. But the other day I showed him all the underwear he has and how cool they were. Then I asked him if he just wanted to see what they looked like. He said, "ok." We put him on and he shook his cute little hiny. He likes playing in them. That's a good start for me. Plus he's so darn cute in them even if it is for a few minutes. Today pawpaw and daddy told him that if he put them on that they would make him jumper higher. He put them on and was jumping all over his room. He kept saying, "look at me!" So very cute. He truly believed those underwear made him jump higher. Such a sweet little soul.

Since last weekend Hudson and I have been decorating like crazy for Halloween. It's brought so much joy into our days. Joy into my heart. THIS is the best time of the year. When all family gatherings are kicked off with Halloween. We are going to make the best of this year because make the best of the year makes the best of our lives. I have so much fun watching my baby be creative with painting rocks, painting ghosts, cutting construction paper for mommy, glueing eyeballs, making hand bats and spiders. This has been my favorite part of this whole year.
Oh boy…my phone. My son asks for my phone at least every 30 minutes. "I play a game on your phone?" I give in and say go for it. He plays. He navigates on my phone like a pro. He knows which icon is the camera and he took 200 selfies today in 5 minutes. Take that selfie takers LOL!
Just love my angel and our goofy conversations. Love our daily adventures. Finding different ways to be creative. Playing outside. Finding joy in the little things in life. We are joyful and ready to start this joyful season.
Happy Fall Everyone!