Monday, October 14, 2013

A Day in Dallas

Hudson, pawpaw and I had a very quick trip planned to Dallas the weekend of 10/4. My cousin Marky (who is 18 and a senior!!!) had his homecoming game on 10/4 and my sweeeeet friend Natalie was throwing Noah's birthday party on 10/3. So, we packed up so we could have a packed day (or two) in Dallas.

Momma packed DVDs and her laptop to help with the trip. Getting a car dvd player soon y'all. HAHA. We left after seeing pops briefly at the house at 11:30 AM to head towards the Santo Wildcats homecoming pep rally and football game. I don't know if you remember but Shawn'Na and I took Hudson to their game last year around this time. My little baby crawled across this gym last year. So cute! I loved taking bubba. It was his first football game and this one was his second. What I also love is my KK is a teacher and she can get us into the gym where I can let my runner be free. He wanted to play basketball. Takes after his momma and her baller skills hehe.

After we attended the pep rally we heading to KK's house to wait to go to the game. We were going to go to Lone Camp for dinner (the only restaurant in Palo Pinto - hehe sorry kk....funny...but true) but they were closed! So we went to Tommy's. A convenience store slash hang out spot for everyone in town. Bubba ate pizza and ran around. After dinner we headed to the game. Pawpaw chased bubba around and I knew we wouldn't stay past half time. We didn't last year either. We just stuck around to watch Marky be his awesome drum major self and direct the band. They were great!

Then we headed back to KK's for bath and bed. Everyone (me, Hudson and especially Pawpaw) were exhausted. When pawpaw is around Hudson only wants pawpaw. And he wants pawpaw to explore everything with him.

We woke up Saturday and hung around with KK drinking coffee. It was COLD outside! A front blew in over night and man did it feel great! We packed up the car and headed to the Clem's house for sweet baby Noah's 2 year birthday party. His birthday is actually the day after mine (10/27) but with a peanut on the way they moved the party up so Noah could have his special day :).

My dad was like the baby whisperer. All three boys, Hudson, Noah and Caleb (who we were lucky to meet for the first time) all hung around my daddy telling him stories. And of course my daddy enjoyed it. He's a pretty awesome guy let alone pawpaw. He's got the pawpaw thing down good :). The boys ran in and out of Noah's room where his new toddler was (his daddy made it). It was beautiful :). Hudson kept climbing in and laying down. I knew it was bubba's nap time but it seemed like he was really trying to tell us he was ready. The boys were so very cute together. Noah has a baby brother or sister on the way and I know he's going to be an amazing big brother. I've been around so many baby boys and they are all so different. Noah to me is the sweetest most gentle angel. He's always been so very polite to Hudson and I know Hudson enjoys being around him. They are so cute! Caleb is Noah's best bud and he was sooooo adorable. Copying Noah. My favorite thing was those two boys licked everything. You would have thought that every bit of food they were eating was an ice cream flavor. So very cute. We miss the Clem family bunches!
After we reached 2 PM we knew bubba was way over due for his nap so we loaded up and took off for home. With one round of Toy Story we made it home with very little fussiness. Fast but sweet trip. Perfect to see our favorite peeps we miss and be back home in time to relax before the work week.


  1. Love this!!!!!!! Thanks again for making the trip. :) You are wonderful.

    1. YOU are Natalie. It's always great to see y'all :). Thank you for inviting us.
