I can't believe my baby is 3 months away from 2. There's just something a little sad about approaching these year marks. I can't believe my baby is growing so fast. Time is flying. I say sad because everyone, and I mean everyone, tells you to hang on to these moments because before you know it they will be 18 and going to college. Whoa..I'm not ready for that. I'm doing my best to soak it all in. Trying to capture and remember every cute moment. Ugh...I'm not a vein person so I say this without referring to crows feet, creases in foreheads and gray hairs, but I hate getting old. HAHA. I wish I could stay this age forever as I watch Hudson grow. Ok...I'll have to stop there cause otherwise I won't be able to make it through this blog without crying lol. Yes...I'm that mom...and proud of it :)

What's new this month? Remember our trip to Dallas a few weeks back? Well...let me start off by saying that Hudson is in this "mine" phase. As most people would go "Oh...the 'mine' phase" I use it to my advantage. Reverse psychology works on little ones let me tell you. If Hudson won't eat dinner and I know that will result in a 3 AM wake up call for milk I take his food and say "mine" and he says "mine" then takes his food and eats it. HA! Got ya bubba. Hehehehe. Anywho, we went to Dallas to KK's & Marky's homecoming game in Santo. There was this adorable little girl who was Hudson's age and Hudson gave her everything he had (uh oh). He found a toy...he gave it to her. He found a quarter on the floor...he gave it to her. After that she grabbed his hand and they held hands. I'm in trouble. There's no doubt that I think my son is going to be a lady killer (look at his dad) but this early? I'm nervous.
Hudson's other favorite word to say all the time is "No." You ask him a question and 75% of the time the answer is no. He uses it very well with intention so I can't be disappointed. Bubba's vocabulary is not only growing pretty good but he's now into saying two words together a lot. It's amazing how fast these things take off. We eat dinner together. Put his food on the table first and he says "mommy eat" and "daddy eat" as he points to our chairs. If he wants more of something he says "more milk" or "more
candy" another favorite of his. It's so fun to hear his little munchkin voice. Love to hear him say "thank you" when you give him something or "come on daddy" when we're going on our evening walk. Melts your heart.
The older my angel gets the sweeter. We've started a very slow transition to his big boy bed and as we lay in his bed to fall asleep he kisses me a billion times and wraps his arm around my neck. I don't fall asleep many places other than my bed but this is one of my favorite places to fall asleep. He has my heart melting as he falls asleep and I fall asleep right next to him. Then dada wakes me up and we put him into his bed. Not 100% ready to let him roam around his room and his bed is high off the ground so it might be awhile but I'm most definitely enjoying the beginning of it :).
Biggest thing this month. Two Words.
Toy Story. Bubba is in love with Woody and Buzz and says "Woody" and "Buh" all day long. He has Toy Story sheets that are a huge attraction to his bed. For Halloween we've asked pawpaw and pops to dress up like Woody and Buzz. Hudson is going to freak when he sees them. We got Hudson's Christmas presents in this week...Woody and Buzz. They are AMAZING! I can't wait to see his face when he opens them.

Thanks to mawmaw she got bubba hooked on a flashlight. Cutest thing ever! He wants to explore with his flashlight. He wants it to be dark so he can flash it around the room. I'm telling you..he's going to make some kind of discovery...I don't know what..but he's working on it. It's the most awesome thing to see curiosity in his face. As a mom, I couldn't ask for anything more. Every month no matter how busy work is or hectic life may seem I've never felt luckier to have this angel and be a part of his life. Hudson is forever taking me on his adventures and it's the most amazing thing I've ever been lucky enough to experience. Happy 21 months angel baby. You are one awesome being.
Oh few more things. I'm not going to tell you what we are going to be for Hallowee (trust me..you will see pictures) but bubba is into scaring us and so this costume will be his time to shine. So very funny. He's the perfect candidate for our costume. Can't wait to show you. This past Friday Hudson and I went to visit our friends Skye and Doug in the hospital. I'll tell you more on this later but bubba was absolutely adorable. Saying baby and being soft with the twins. He did't want to leave the babies. Afterwards he kept saying baby baby baby. Sweet sweet bubba. He's also a perfect candidate for a big brother when the time comes :).