Monday, September 30, 2013

FALL-ing in Love

Hudson and I made the best of our weekend once again (our weekly goal). Full of adventure of course. Friday we met up with Nanny and Noah at Jumpoline to jump. This time I was throwing both boys up on the side of the trampoline lanes. Woke up Saturday morning feeling super sore and was wondering why...then remembered I was throwing a 29 pounder and a 45 pounder up against the trampoline walls. Totally worth it but my arms and back were sore lol. After 2 straight hours of jumping I have never seen my son so still. He was exhausted.

Saturday my bubba and I started the day off slow but then we went to run around town lake and afterwards I planned to take bubba to a Pumpkin Palooza that Whole Foods was putting on. I originally thought if Hudson fell asleep on my run I would walk there. I'm kind of glad he didn't fall asleep because my legs were sore from jumping the day before and my run was actually kind of hard.

We drove over to Whole Foods and were the first to show up. We played pumpkin bowling. Of course took some adorable pictures for mommy to keep forever. Shared a slice of pizza and an apple. We were living the Austin life up. They had live music. So glad I looked it up. What are holidays for if you can't enjoy all the festivities. Plus bubba has a great time and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Sunday we went to the zoo with Nana and Pops to use our vouchers (I love Amazon Local deals). I'm so excited about the "Boo at the Zoo" coming up. Here are the details in case you want to go (you can also see them at  Boo at the Zoo will be from 6:30 PM to 9 PM on October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26. The haunted train rides depart at 7:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:20 PM, and 8:40 PM each evening. They have already decorated for it. I can't wait to take Hudson!

We are kicking this Fall off right. We visited our 2nd pumpkin patch in Buda before Riley's 18th birthday party. Dada met up with us and of course we took more fun photos. I'm probably totally biased but bubba looks beautiful in a sea of pumpkins. Love love love my bubba.

Can't believe my cousin Riley (who is the baby of us older cousins - Noah is the baby of us all) is 18 years old. My little cousins Riley and Marky who I once held as babies, changed a diaper or two and watched. They make me feel old. Haha. Love them so much!

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