Monday, September 9, 2013

Baby Baby Baby Liam

Saturday we celebrated a baby shower for my sister-in-law Shelly. Baby Liam is scheduled to be here 11/18 and I CAN'T WAIT! I can't wait to hold this sweet boy and see how beautiful he is.

Liam's mommy Shelly is a beautiful mommy! Has always been. Will always be. Love these pictures of the belly. Soooo adorable!!

We had brunch, games and lots of oooohs and awwwws at the adorable baby gifts. Nana Eileen brought yummy french toast - a Shelly favorite. And of course we had an amazing cake made by the Biehles, Grandpa Arlen & Grandma Gretchen. Baby Liam has got lots of family and friend love to look forward to. I can't wait for Hudson to meet his baby cousin. He's going to be a great big cousin. I just know it.

Babies...such a sweet wonderful time to be happy, rejoice, and all things wonderful. I'm already in love with Liam :). He doesn't know it yet....but we all are :)

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