Monday, September 30, 2013

FALL-ing in Love

Hudson and I made the best of our weekend once again (our weekly goal). Full of adventure of course. Friday we met up with Nanny and Noah at Jumpoline to jump. This time I was throwing both boys up on the side of the trampoline lanes. Woke up Saturday morning feeling super sore and was wondering why...then remembered I was throwing a 29 pounder and a 45 pounder up against the trampoline walls. Totally worth it but my arms and back were sore lol. After 2 straight hours of jumping I have never seen my son so still. He was exhausted.

Saturday my bubba and I started the day off slow but then we went to run around town lake and afterwards I planned to take bubba to a Pumpkin Palooza that Whole Foods was putting on. I originally thought if Hudson fell asleep on my run I would walk there. I'm kind of glad he didn't fall asleep because my legs were sore from jumping the day before and my run was actually kind of hard.

We drove over to Whole Foods and were the first to show up. We played pumpkin bowling. Of course took some adorable pictures for mommy to keep forever. Shared a slice of pizza and an apple. We were living the Austin life up. They had live music. So glad I looked it up. What are holidays for if you can't enjoy all the festivities. Plus bubba has a great time and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Sunday we went to the zoo with Nana and Pops to use our vouchers (I love Amazon Local deals). I'm so excited about the "Boo at the Zoo" coming up. Here are the details in case you want to go (you can also see them at  Boo at the Zoo will be from 6:30 PM to 9 PM on October 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 and 26. The haunted train rides depart at 7:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:20 PM, and 8:40 PM each evening. They have already decorated for it. I can't wait to take Hudson!

We are kicking this Fall off right. We visited our 2nd pumpkin patch in Buda before Riley's 18th birthday party. Dada met up with us and of course we took more fun photos. I'm probably totally biased but bubba looks beautiful in a sea of pumpkins. Love love love my bubba.

Can't believe my cousin Riley (who is the baby of us older cousins - Noah is the baby of us all) is 18 years old. My little cousins Riley and Marky who I once held as babies, changed a diaper or two and watched. They make me feel old. Haha. Love them so much!

Monday, September 23, 2013

20 Month Old Adventure Bug

I'm late on this post :(. Been busy busy busy. Our angel baby is an adventure bug. Or me and Hudson have been bit by the adventure bug?

This past month flew by. We've been up to a lot of good. :) From the zoo, to our favorite fountain, to visiting cousins and all of our near by parks. Weirdly enough...haven't had time to blog because we are in the midst of our busy season at work but yet Hudson and I have been on more adventures.....we love our time away from the house.

My poor bubba got sick two weeks ago and had an ear infection in both ears. We were stuck in the house and he even though it was better for him to be in he most definitely wanted out. It started on a Wednesday and by Sunday I decided to get my angel out to the zoo. It was my favorite visit yet. Bubba was telling me all the animals we were seeing. It was so awesome to hear him say monkey, bear, turtle, peacock (in his own way), snake, bird, pig, and more. The next day was so awesome. We saw pawpaw and I asked Hudson to tell his pawpaw what he saw at the zoo and he started naming the animals. How did Hudson know to do this? I don't know but he blows my mind.

We also took bubba for the first time to a place called Jumpoline with nana and pops. We will definitely be going back. It's not a place to go to get something to eat. They have an option for you to order a pizza but they order it from Austin's pizza and so it takes awhile. BUT bring your socks and jump with your little one. We had such a blast. He wanted to do his own thing half the time and he safely could. He loved it. I loved it. He was adorable.

My favorite thing about this month? My cuddle bug and the million times a day my bubba says mommy. Most days I feel like "the chosen one." Bubba has been wanting me by his side at all times and I absolutely love it. When he says "mommy" my heart melts. Whoever came up with that word made that word sound like angels calling from heaven. Best. Word. Ever. I left to visit a friend in the hospital for a few hours and when I returned my bubba ran into my arms and kissed and hugged me several times. He missed me! I missed him! He's my whole heart, friend.

Favorite things he does with daddy? They do fin, noggin, dude like on Finding Nemo every night. Cutest thing ever. Then after brushing his teeth, kisses and hugs bubba lays on the couch cushions in his room and dada has to squish him. It's a dada and Hudson dog pile. Then as dada walks out bubba has to have at least 10 nuck nucks lol. I just love the way he looks at his daddy when they do that. Angel baby!

Bubba's vocabulary is really starting to grow. We have phonics books and 100 first word books that he loves to read and can point and tell mommy what the things are. It's so fun to see his little personality. His lovely dada taught him that a chimpanzee was mawmaw (my mom). He knows it's not right though because when you ask him who the chimpanzee is he laughs and gives you this look like he shouldn't say it. Love it. So...mommy told him that the donkey was his dada. LOL!

What's bubba into watching these days? Little Einsteins is the only thing right now that will stop this boy in his tracks. He still loves his Finding Nemo and Toy Story but nothing gets him smiling like Little Einsteins. He pats with them and puts his hands up to make the rocket fly.

All and all my heart continues to grow. I swear any moment it's going to explode. This little love of my life who drags me outdoors and has me finding every possible way to show him the world. Makes me the happiest person ever and also the luckiest. My little Einstein is AMAZING.

I'm hoping this month we start the transition to a big boy bed. Crossing my fingers. Either he'll move into a big boy bed or I'm moving into his room. HAHA. We shall see. I'll be happy either way :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mesothelioma Awareness - Heather's Story

Heather Von St. James reached out to me asking me to help spread the word of Mesothelioma. It's a rare and dangerous form of cancer. Her story is extremely touching. I know that we have all experienced a family member, friend or loved one who has been touch by this sad illness. As the research for a cure goes on, please become aware and share your knowledge. Also, take care of yourself, aways take caution and always question the slightest concern!
Here's an excerpt from the MD Anderson Cancer Center regarding Mesothelioma. You can also read more here:  MD Anderson Mesothelioma
According to the American Cancer Society, between 2,000 and 3,000 people in the United States are diagnosed each year with mesothelioma, a rare and dangerous cancer.
Mesothelioma starts in the mesothelium, which includes the:
  • Pleura, the thin layer of tissue that lines the lungs
  • Pericardium, the sac around the heart
  • Peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdomen
Mesothelioma usually starts in the pleura. This type of mesothelioma also is called malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM).

Asbestos Exposure is a Factor

Mesothelioma almost always is caused by past exposure to fibers of asbestos. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that in the past was used in the construction, automotive, military, marine and manufacturing industries.
When tiny particles of asbestos are made or disturbed, they can float in the air. People can breathe in the asbestos or swallow it. This may lead to serious health conditions such as cancers of the lung, larynx and kidney. It also can cause asbestosis, a non-cancerous, chronic lung disease.
In some people, asbestos fibers cause genetic changes in the pleura, the thin layer of tissue that lines the lungs. These changes may lead to mesothelioma. It can occur 20 to 50 years after a person has come in contact with asbestos.

Heather's Touching Story:  Spread The Word

In 2005, at the age of 36, and only three months after giving birth to my beautiful daughter Lily Rose, I was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. Upon learning of this life-altering diagnosis, my husband Cameron and I embarked upon a search to find the best mesothelioma treatment care available. Our search eventually led us to Dr. David Sugarbaker, a renowned mesothelioma surgeon at the Boston based Brigham and Women's hospital. - See more at: 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Our Spot

I've never been more adventurous as I am now that I have my travel buddy Hudson. I'm so lucky that he loves adventure and has me finding ways to take him on the best adventure every weekend. I enjoy our weekends together so much. We most definitely make the best of them.

This Sunday we went to visit cousin Jeff and meet "beh beh" Jonah. Jonah is beautiful just like his mommy and daddy. I'm so sad I didn't get a good picture of him but will in the future. He's precious.

This is how I know Hudson is going to be a good big cousin:

Hudson was saying, "beh beh" the whole way to see Jonah. That's how I got him to chill out for the somewhat long haul. When he saw Jonah he rubbed him softly...I say softly because Hudson has a hard rub too and he didn't do it. He was so soft with him and wanted to hold his hand and kiss him. More confirmation that he will be an awesome big cousin and one day an awesome big brother.

Jonah has an early bed time routine that Hudson has never done (haha) so we left and went to our favorite spot in town. The Liz Carpenter Fountain. We played in the fountain. Fed the turtles. Went to the corner store on Dawson Street and Barton Springs to get "Chaytoes", ice cream and "wadder." Hudson and I...we're Austinites. It's too bad we don't live closer to this place because I think we would walk here every day. However, it's "our spot" and we'll drive to visit it as much as we can.

I'm so lucky to have this sweet adventurous love of my life. We were definitely meant for each other! Mommy's best friend, travel buddy, everything.

Baby Baby Baby Liam

Saturday we celebrated a baby shower for my sister-in-law Shelly. Baby Liam is scheduled to be here 11/18 and I CAN'T WAIT! I can't wait to hold this sweet boy and see how beautiful he is.

Liam's mommy Shelly is a beautiful mommy! Has always been. Will always be. Love these pictures of the belly. Soooo adorable!!

We had brunch, games and lots of oooohs and awwwws at the adorable baby gifts. Nana Eileen brought yummy french toast - a Shelly favorite. And of course we had an amazing cake made by the Biehles, Grandpa Arlen & Grandma Gretchen. Baby Liam has got lots of family and friend love to look forward to. I can't wait for Hudson to meet his baby cousin. He's going to be a great big cousin. I just know it.

Babies...such a sweet wonderful time to be happy, rejoice, and all things wonderful. I'm already in love with Liam :). He doesn't know it yet....but we all are :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mommy's Escape

When the world is spinning too fast. When the day has hit the gas. Rushing rushing rushing.

All in the world seems right with this simple act of love. Rocking you. Time slows down. My heart feels full. 

You. Are my great escape.