I'm late on this post :(. Been busy busy busy. Our angel baby is an adventure bug. Or me and Hudson have been bit by the adventure bug?
This past month flew by. We've been up to a lot of good. :) From the zoo, to our favorite fountain, to visiting cousins and all of our near by parks. Weirdly enough...haven't had time to blog because we are in the midst of our busy season at work but yet Hudson and I have been on more adventures.....we love our time away from the house.

My poor bubba got sick two weeks ago and had an ear infection in both ears. We were stuck in the house and he even though it was better for him to be in he most definitely wanted out. It started on a Wednesday and by Sunday I decided to get my angel out to the zoo. It was my favorite visit yet. Bubba was telling me all the animals we were seeing. It was so awesome to hear him say monkey, bear, turtle, peacock (in his own way), snake, bird, pig, and more. The next day was so awesome. We saw pawpaw and I asked Hudson to tell his pawpaw what he saw at the zoo and he started naming the animals. How did Hudson know to do this? I don't know but he blows my mind.

We also took bubba for the first time to a place called Jumpoline with nana and pops. We will definitely be going back. It's not a place to go to get something to eat. They have an option for you to order a pizza but they order it from Austin's pizza and so it takes awhile. BUT bring your socks and jump with your little one. We had such a blast. He wanted to do his own thing half the time and he safely could. He loved it. I loved it. He was adorable.

My favorite thing about this month? My cuddle bug and the million times a day my bubba says mommy. Most days I feel like "the chosen one." Bubba has been wanting me by his side at all times and I absolutely love it. When he says "mommy" my heart melts. Whoever came up with that word made that word sound like angels calling from heaven. Best. Word. Ever. I left to visit a friend in the hospital for a few hours and when I returned my bubba ran into my arms and kissed and hugged me several times. He missed me! I missed him! He's my whole heart, sidekick....best friend.
Favorite things he does with daddy? They do fin, noggin, dude like on Finding Nemo every night. Cutest thing ever. Then after brushing his teeth, kisses and hugs bubba lays on the couch cushions in his room and dada has to squish him. It's a dada and Hudson dog pile. Then as dada walks out bubba has to have at least 10 nuck nucks lol. I just love the way he looks at his daddy when they do that. Angel baby!
Bubba's vocabulary is really starting to grow. We have phonics books and 100 first word books that he loves to read and can point and tell mommy what the things are. It's so fun to see his little personality. His lovely dada taught him that a chimpanzee was mawmaw (my mom). He knows it's not right though because when you ask him who the chimpanzee is he laughs and gives you this look like he shouldn't say it. Love it. So...mommy told him that the donkey was his dada. LOL!
What's bubba into watching these days? Little Einsteins is the only thing right now that will stop this boy in his tracks. He still loves his Finding Nemo and Toy Story but nothing gets him smiling like Little Einsteins. He pats with them and puts his hands up to make the rocket fly.
All and all my heart continues to grow. I swear any moment it's going to explode. This little love of my life who drags me outdoors and has me finding every possible way to show him the world. Makes me the happiest person ever and also the luckiest. My little Einstein is AMAZING.
I'm hoping this month we start the transition to a big boy bed. Crossing my fingers. Either he'll move into a big boy bed or I'm moving into his room. HAHA. We shall see. I'll be happy either way :)