Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ommm B-words at 16 Months

Remember those B words I was telling you about? Not bad words (got ya!) the ones from 15 months haha. Hudson has a love for birds that makes me want to give him a billion. I want to put them in his room. Take him to Rio de Janero to see the birds from Rio. There's nothing more awesome than 1. Seeing him fall in love with the movie Rio. It's full of beautiful birds and awesome music that makes my bubba dance. 2. Him saying the word bird and know exactly what it is. 

We won't be taking any trips to Rio any time soon (darnit) but I will find a place/way to see some awesome birds. Recommendations welcomed!

With a few trips to the pool this month my copycat is ready to jump into the deep end. No fear. From him. He saw some teenage boys do cannonballs into the pool and right after was ready to jump in without anyone to catch him. 

Greatest accomplishment this month? Besides bubba's new words is being a little more self sufficient. Brace yourself. We have a 2 story house and honestly I got tired of telling bubba no and with all of his climbing there was no way to keep him from going up and down the stairs unless I put him in a straight jacket and tied him to me. So, Hudson can now safely go up and down the stairs by himself. I trust him and he trusts himself. That to me is HUGE. Like any milestone that's like opening Pandora's box. He wants to do almost everything by himself. Sometimes won't eat until you him a fork and get out of his face. 

Ahhhh the month of cabin fever. His dada taught him to take your hand and guide him to where he wants to go. OUT. He takes our finger and pulls us to the door. Bubba's favorite place:  outside by the garage playing with his ball and dada. He gets to do this almost every evening and it makes for a wonderful night of sleep for us all (haha). 

Food. Ugh. Don't get me started. Boy is picky!! Well actually I think it has some to do with his teething but geeze. He will eat something one day and not the next. I hate how much food we waste :(. 

Speaking of teeth. Took Hudson to his first dentist appointment because we thought he chipped his tooth. Turns out its a normal spot and we found a molar!! I didn't even know he had it cause he won't let you look in his mouth. The dentist was able to get in. It's at the top right side and he's now working on a bottom right one to match. That one is making its debut now. I love his teeth. They are soooo cute!

Each month continues to get wilder and wilder and some days I'm exhausted but it's the most fun I've ever had and ever will have. Bubba you are my world. Happy 16 months sweet baby.

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