Monday, May 20, 2013

Notice: Clem-in-Time Moving

Our sweet friends are moving to Dallas in June. We had them over so Hudson and Noah could have a last hurrah before they leave. The last time the boys really got to play was on Hudson's birthday in January. Long time but of course they picked up like old friends. Hope to get together one more time before they leave :)

Funniest part of the night:  Noah climbed up the stairs while we were eating in the dining room and Hudson came to the table and pointed towards the stairs to tell on Noah hahahaha. It was sooo cute. We were wondering what Hudson was doing then we hear Noah playing on Chuggington. Hudson had just told on Noah...that's hilarious!

It was a beautiful day. So glad we got to spend some time. It's been awesome to have buddies close to Hudson's age. And even more awesome to see them play together. Natalie is Karl's co-worker but I was introduced to her when I first became pregnant with Hudson. From then on Natalie has been that wonderful mother friend that I can confide in, share how-to's and get ideas. Never judging. Always so supportive and sweet. The best kind of mommy friend a mommy can find.

Hudson showed Noah his love for Rio and both boys boogied to the good music. Noah dropped it like it was hot and Hudson twirled. I loved how when Hudson would lay on the ground Noah would lay down next to him and they would kick their feet to the music. ADORABLE. Hudson pushed Noah on chuggington and they actually did a lot together. Hudson kept trying to hold Noah's hand (such a sweetie!). Noah and I took a selfie. Love his laugh. He giggled at our picture in the reverse camera on my phone. Noah is so smart! He knows how to open apps, shut them down, scroll pictures. Amazing.

We got Noah's foot in the bottom left picture. So funny. 

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