Sunday, August 19, 2012

7 Month Speed Boat

If I thought a lot happened last month...boy did things really start to speed up and not slow down. This little monkey is pulling himself up on our ottoman and taking baby steps (no pun intended hehehe...ok maybe pun intended). I'm thinking there's going to be some walking in the very near future.

Let's see....where to begin.

Mr. Independent has become mommy's shadow. Hudson will be playing all alone and then all the sudden want to climb up mommy mountain to bite on my shoulder or just have my full attention. We watch ourselves on my phone in videos we make together. It's the best thing ever. Hudson is the star of this two man...(baby and momma) show.

Thanks to Natalie (once again haha) we're trying out Cheerios and Hudson LOVES to pick them up, put them close to his mouth and chew air...haha..he thinks he puts them in his mouth when in reality he probably gets in 1 out of 4 Cheerios in. He'll get the hang of it. It's either none or 3 at one time.

We started pureed meats this week and he LOVES them. Probably taste way better than just veggies. We can start small pieces of meat now but I think we're going to wait just a tad bit longer. Oh yeah, the biggest change that happened this month is this crazy boy can't just lay down or recline to eat. He has to stand. It's the funniest thing. I'm starting to wonder if he's just not interested in a bottle. Might have to switch to milk in a sippy cup only. We're not there yet but I bet he would be happy.

Just a few weeks ago we lowered the mattress in Hudson's crib because I found him standing one day and thought for sure that he would climb out (scary). Bubba stands every time he wakes up and greets me with most times a smile :) unless I'm not fast enough (haha).

Bubba has also figured out how to push the cable box and dvd player buttons. Too bad they make those buttons light up. He knows just where to push. Can't get a shiny light past this booger.

This little speed boat makes me crazy. We love him soooo much. Happy 7 months bubba.

Daddy's / Paw Paw's / Pops' / Great Grandpa's Boy

Hudson enjoys being with anyone and everyone in the family but there's no question about how much he loves the men in his life. From day 1 these men have been head over heels for this little boy :)

Hudson's day would not be complete without seeing his daddy in the morning or as soon as he gets home from work. I've said this before but the first thing that Hudson does in the morning is crawl all over daddy, pull his ears or bite daddy's nose. Daddy always brings a smile to his face. Daddy is Hudson's #1 fan (sharing that with mommy of course :) ). If daddy is in the room Hudson wants to be right next to him.

Paw Paw
Paw Paw is so in love with Hudson that he even raps for him haha. My dad is a nut about this little man. Paw Paw's goal is to do anything and everything Hudson wants to do. Whatever it takes to make Hudson happy Paw Paw's going to do it. My dad is so cute with Hudson. They are like two best pals. I can already see it.

My dad sent me these the other day. Funniest / cutest thing ever. Two rap songs my dad created for Hudson:  Rap Song 1  Rap Song 2

Hudson knows that as soon as he sees his pops that the first thing he's going to do is grab that beard. Pops is in tune to what Hudson needs. If Hudson is upset he knows just how to fix it. Pops too would do anything to make his little boy happy.

Great Grandpa
Hudson Gene (great grandpa's first name) Friedeck loves to pull on his 103 year old great grandpa's ears :). Grandpa has been convinced that Hudson is a very smart boy (of which he is :) ). Grandpa loves how crazily active he is and he's amazed with this little creature. Hudson puts a smile on his grandpa's face :).

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Things You Never Want to Forget

Being a mother is one of the best...wait...IS THE BEST feeling in the world. Ok I can't help it to be mushy but I've heard others say things like I wish I would have done this and I wish I could remember this so I'm writing this blog about things I hope I never forget.

2 inches....that's how long Hudson's palm is and it won't be this way forever but I can hold his entire sweet little hand in mine and it's the sweetest feeling. So warm so soft so wonderful. I can feel his fast little pulse and it reminds me of the first time I saw his little heart beat on June 1st 2011 (aka the day my life began).

Warning: this only gets sappier :). That's what I get to do as a mom :).

100+ equals the number of times if not more I steal a kiss from my bubba. I haven't actually counted but I'm sure it's up there. We take advantage of the fact our little man is teething so he wants to chew on our faces but those count as kisses to us. Bubba has 2 teeth!! His two front bottom teeth made their appearance on Sunday, August 5th.

6:00 AM (and sometimes earlier) is the time our booger wakes up. I feed him in our bed and cuddle with him afterwards.  If its too early I sometimes get lucky and he takes a morning nap with me. If its later he crawls all over us and DOES NOT want us to get out of bed. Also, every morning Hudson talks and sounds like the sweetest thing on earth. I have several recordings. I'm going to need more storage space than a major record label.

Kick kick kick is what I tell Hudson to do in his bath. Our sweet bub has been anything but chill. He could probably produce enough energy with those legs and feet to run an electric car. I can't fit his feet in my mouth anymore but that doesn't keep me from biting them. And yes...they taste and smell wonderful.

A little more on cuddling...Hudson sleeps well in his bed but sleeps like a rock next to me. Just to see his precious sleeping face is so amazing and watching him open his eyes from sleeping is even better. It takes him a minute to adjust but he immediately smiles at me. There's absolutely nothing as wonderful as Hudson. :) This sweet boy smiles every time he wakes up :).

My little nut. Doesn't want to lay down to eat or even recline. He has to sit up, lay flat, on his knees, draped over mom's legs...very unique this one.

Every morning Hudson helps me make my coffee. I put the water and coffee grounds in and he closes the coffee pot lid for me. I definitely think he knows what he's doing because he always closes the lid as soon as I'm done. Smart cookie :).

It's not hard to make this boy giggle but the way you do it changes every day. One day it's this silly noise, that goofy face, or a tickle right in this spot. He likes to keep things interesting.

Ok so this one is kind of funny because it kind of hurts but when my bubba is getting tired or drinking a bottle (and is temporarily chill) he reaches back and always pulls at my hair from the back of my head. Not sure if I'm his woobie but he has to be pulling mommy's hair or my ears as he winds down.

Ahhhh one of my all time favorite looks...I face Hudson outward to feed him and he occasionally looks back up
at me as to check and make sure I'm still there. And so I tell him I'm still here and he turns back around to go about his business. It's the sweetest look.

And last but not least because I'm 100% sure that every day gets more and more awesome...mommy and daddy never get old. He loves to go to either one of us when he wants to be held and we have to be within view. This little love of my life makes me crazy!!! Hudson is the best time of our lives.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mr. Indepedent or Mommy's/Daddy's Boy?

Every morning we pull Hudson out of his crib and play with him as we both wake up. He loves to crawl all over his daddy and wake him up. It's the sweetest thing in the world. Hudson wants to be right in the middle of us and we have the most of fun.

Crawling all over daddy (love the tiger on his hiney)

He's Mr. Independent the rest of the day but has to start his day off with mommy and daddy. I absolutely love it! It's the best part of waking up....(lol...cheesy line from Folgers but so true).

The funny thing too is that if mommy gets up to make a much needed cup of coffee....he cries...if daddy gets up to take a much needed shower (lol jk)...he cries. Our little boy wants to play until he says its over.

Looking for daddy in the bathroom (kind of sad lol)

And finally after spending all day with mommy Hudson is SOOOO happy to see daddy when he gets home from work. Karl sits at the top of the stairs and Hudson makes a bee-line for his daddy with a smile on his face. You could say he kind of loves us LOL! :)

So Much So Fast

Ok, so I know they make those baby proofing outlet plugs for a reason but what is it a baby's brain that makes them want to put their finger in a socket? It's amazing to me. Hudson has been crawling like crazy and what did he attempt to do once he got the hang of it? Try to stick his finger in a socket. BOYEEE what's up with that?!?! Of course we have the baby proofing plugs but if you are pregnant and registering or just buying these are a must have (thanks nanny!). Babies want exactly what they can't have. That's another thing we've learned. Hudson wants the remote, my iPhone and my laptop....and anything related to electronics.....boy have times changed.

Some new things our little man is into:
1. Wanting to crawl all of the time and playing by himself. Hudson doesn't want you to hold him. If there's a floor, he wants on it asap. Please only hold me when I'm tired.

2. Eating mum mums. I was nervous about giving him these but the desolve pretty quickly and he LOVES them (thanks Natalie Clem). They are a good distraction too when we want to eat or if booger is being cranky for some reason we can't figure out :)
3. We started a sippy cup last week and he loves to hold himself and drink. The liquid comes out way too fast but it's fun. If your baby is teething I suggest getting this one because it really works for us :).
4. Pulling up on ottoman to reach mommy's laptop. I sure would love to put this little man to work for me on my laptop but I think that's against child labor laws..JK! Hudson chases my laptop around the room. I guess you could say I'm encouraging him to crawl in a roundabout way lol.
5. Mr. can say that again. Hudson is sleeping all night in his own bed and wants to play by himself on the floor. Picking up toys, throwing them and chasing after them he doesn't want you to pick them up for him. If you do, he decides he no longer wants that toy. It must be something out of his reach. Guess you could call him Mr. Stubborn...Determined...etc...his parent's child for sure.
6. One more for now :) bubba loves to play peek-a-boo with his diaper. He pulls it over his head and then quickly pulls it down. If you say, "peek-a-boo" he'll keep it up for at least 5 minutes. Such a cutie patootie!

As always, I never go a day without feeling SO LUCKY to have this beautiful baby boy!! :) I'm so excited about each and every new adventure. This little man keeps us on our toes and we love every part of it!