Friday, June 9, 2017

2 Year Old (Going on 5)

When you ask Grace how hold she's about to be she will tell you 2 and sometimes 3. I feel like this little girl will always try to be older than she is. Mostly because of her bubba though. She looks up to him more than anyone and I couldn't have picked a better big brother to show her the way of life.

*The top left picture cracks me up. That's Grace after eating Herbert's in San Marcos. Everyone wants to do that when they leave that place haha!

She's almost 2 and I've been terrible at documenting the days of Grace. Her and her brother definitely keep me on my toes and when time is of the essence being on the computer or on my phone is the last thing I want to do when I could be doing something fun with them. Grace LOVES to jump on the trampoline with her bubba. Every day after work that's the first thing we do. She can jump with the big kids too. She's got her balance and jumping skills down and she loves to be bounced up high. My little princess also loves to swing next to her bubba. If he doesn't come she screams "Hudson boo boo!" And he obliges. She's most happy when he's by her side.

She really thinks she's 5 sometimes because of her bubba. He teaches her all kinds of things. Good and bad. Haha. She tries to pee standing up like her bubba and is successful for the most part. She pees in her potty before bath every night just like bubba. She's along for the ride on just about anything Hudson wants to do. She jumps off tables and couches and the arm of the couch that makes me want to turn a blind eye because I just know something is going to happen (knock on wood - she hasn't hurt herself yet). If Hudson climbs, she climbs, if he jumps, she jumps. day I will probably be asking her that bridge question but for right now it's pretty wonderful how much she adores her bubba and how much he adores her. I don't know what other age gaps are like between siblings but this 3.5 year gap is pretty awesome. Hudson is still young enough to want to play with his sister and she's just old enough to keep up. These are truly the best years of my life.

Grace LOVES to sing Rum by Osborne Brothers (thanks to her daddy) and Buy Me A Boat (thanks to her mommy) hehe :). We listen to those two songs on repeat several times a day at her request and Hudson and her both sing it at the top of their lungs. I keep trying to video it but the song is on my phone and if anyone knows Grace the moment you pull out a camera she's onto you. Dancing frog right here. The rum song has a part that says "Dipping our toes in the water" and Grace says "Dipping toes in the wawa" it's the cutest ever and makes me want to sing it that way too.

My little princess has such different qualities that amaze me. When she's in large crowds or around people she doesn't know she can either be really quiet and observant or give out hugs and kisses so easily. It really just depends on her mood and she's quiet differnt than Hudson was. She's always made you earn her love. Which I love about her. She's hard to get but when she does warm up her love is like no other. Of course she always loves her momma. Sappy Alert...both of my babies give me a different feeling when I get a hug from them. Both wonderful but different. When Grace hugs me she makes me feel like she's healing my heart. I know that may sound odd to some people but when she hugs me my heart feels at ease and it's one of the best feelings a mom can feel. Your kids really do fill your heart with so much love that's crazy we ever lived without it. And now how much bigger can your heart grow? She is a never ending supply of love. I always wonder how I got this lucky. I'm sure I always will.

Grace cracks me up because if she gets in an uncomfortable situation you can tell. She has this look on her face like this is awkward and I'm kind of frozen from this situation. She is very expressive and you can definitely tell how she feels by the look on her face. She is so easy going but she does want to be in control of her immediate surroundings. She knows her comfort level and you can quickly tell how she feels. She also understands sadness. I don't remember when kids are supposed to express what at what age. I just thought it was the most interesting thing the other day we were watching a clip of Boss Baby on my phone and it was a sad part and it made her cry. I know she understands words and situations but for her to truly get upset at a sad part in a movie just kind of blows my mind. Having a girl is actually pretty different than a boy. I always wondered if it would be before I had Grace and it actually is. Their emotions are just different. One is not more emotional than the other though. Somehow they are just different.

My favorite part of life right now is how sweet these two are to each other. They hold hands, play together, are side by side as much as they can be, fall asleep together and are so sweet and gentle to each other in the morning. Life doesn't get much better than this. Thank you Shawn'Na for this gorgeous sneak peek of my beautiful almost 2 year old princess.

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