Thursday, August 27, 2015

My Daughter's (and son's) Hands

I swear I have major déjà vu every time I take Grace to the dr. Hudson and Grace are so similar it's crazy. 

At Grace's 2 month check up last week the dr said that she should start opening her hands and grabbing at things by her 4 month checkup. Well I think Grace was listening because she started to do just that. I remember thinking the same thing when Hudson was a baby. 

She started grabbing at the koala on her floor gym. Then last weekend she grabbed my mouth over and over. I kissed her sweet little hand each time. And yes it made me want to cry. Ok my eyes did water. My angel wanted to touch her mommy with open hands. She makes me feel like the most special person in the world and makes my heart so happy. 

I don't know what it is but there's just something about your child's touch that makes you feel so overwhelmed with love. Every time Hudson grabs my hand it makes my heart feel like the sun is shining through it. Same goes with my sweet baby Grace. Her sweet little hand reaching out to touch me is the sweetest feeling I've ever experienced. It truly sends warm loving electricity through my heart. 

These two angels have forever stolen my heart. I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

2 Month Old Smiley Talker

My precious baby girl is 2 months old. It doesn't sound like a long time but it feels like she's always been a part of my life. Grace is a dream come true.  

I love her waking up to me (she's an excellent sleeper - sleeps later than me). I tell her good morning as I change her and she gives me the best smiles in the world and the sweetest gurgles. Of course I recorded them because they are the sweetest sounds I've ever heard in my life. 

This month she found her hands. She tries so hard to put them in her mouth. It's funny because you can tell she's concentrating so hard. Trying to figure out what to do with those beautiful long fingers. 

A déjà vu moment, she lifts her eyebrows and raises her head a tiny bit because she wants to sit up so bad. Her bubba did that exact same thing when he was 2 months old. I remember it being adorable then and it's adorable now. She's trying so hard. I have no doubts she will try to do things fast like her brother just so she can tag along. 

God has blessed me with not 1 but 2 very active babies. When Grace is awake she isn't content just resting in your arms. She wants to be jumping in your arms, laying under her floor gym or on her changing pad talking away and kicking those legs like she's ready to run. 

One of my favorite parts about this month is she follows me around the room. She hears my voice and she quickly looks for me. If only I could hold her all day long. 

She is Miss Independent. She doesn't want me holding her too long. She prefers to be laying on her own taking in all of the chaos of our house. 

I'm also so very lucky to tell you (knocking on wood) she is still an excellent sleeper. Off to bed at 10 pm for the night and sleeps until 5 to eat then back to bed until 7 to eat again and then back to sleep until 9. I'm so thankful she's an excellent little sleeper. 

Funny cheesy sweet moment however you want to look at it. I married Karl 8 years ago and when I go to bed at night I say "God, I love this man" over and over each night. When I had Hudson I say every night I put him to bed "God, I love this boy" and now every night I say "God, I love my angel and she loves me." I'm not surprised my baby girl loves me but I just can't believe how lucky I am that my sweet little princess loves ME. How did I get this lucky? 

Happy 2 months princess. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Who would have known

You know you read these things about being a boy mom. Or a girl mom. And I never put that label on myself while I had just Hudson but I do feel like I had this boy mom stuff down. I would say that I'm more of an active, adventurous, go go go kid mom. 

However it wasn't until this little beautiful princess came into my world that I discovered my label is "my kid's mom." Sounds silly but I can dig in the dirt with Hudson, race the cars down the driveway, toss a softball to him you name it. But I also LOVE my sweet time with my baby Grace. 

The most adorable girly gurgles, the sounds she makes that sound like they would only come from a princess and dressing her up like a doll. I don't dress her up like a doll all of the time but this girl stuff has already set my heart aglow. She's almost 2 months and I can't believe it. 

There's something a little extra sad about having your last baby and watching her grow knowing this is the last time I will experience this as a mother. I'm going to soak in this boy and girl world as much as I can. 

My heart is beyond full. I will forever feel like the luckiest "kid mom" in the world. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mommy's Hair

Tonight my bubba was just holding my hair as he fell asleep. But every time he gets hurt and runs to me, I hold him in my arms and he plays with my hair as he cries and I try to console him. He literally does that every time. It's funny because when I'm hugging my twin sister and we are crying sad or happy tears she always plays with my hair too. Not sure if everyone does that but I feel like it's something your soulmates do. 

It is one of the most sweetest moments of my life.