Sunday, January 26, 2014

My 2 Year Old Preschooler

I'm a little behind. Sorry! Baby Center sent me an email about my preschooler and it shocked me to see the word. Boy I can't believe my baby is a "preschooler." Just sounds so old haha.

What did we do for my angels wonderful day? First we had a check up at 8:30. Then we met up with Aunt Ashee and mawmaw at the shop to show off the birthday boy. Then mommy took the birthday boy to camp mabry to see airplanes! It was so cool.  We just checked in at the front. Pulled up to the airplanes and got to touch them. Bubba thought it was so awesome. He really wanted to get in them. Especially the helicopter.  They also had an outdoor gym so we were able to get our morning workout in. Check. 

After bubbas nap cousin Cameron stopped by to visit :). Hudson loves Cameron. We all call Cameron the baby whisperer. He's so cute. Quickly Hudson wanted Cameron to do everything with him. Even told Cameron to change his butt lol. We played with Cameron, watched Tarzan (a Hudson favorite - I mean watch 3 times a day kind of favorite) and then Cameron had to go home. 

That night we took bubba to Ghatti Town. He's only been there once so far. It's got his favorite things: pizza, cartoons, games and lots of kids. I wonder how long the pretend play will work on bubba but he think he's playing them all without us actually putting coins in or swiping a pre-loaded money card for any of them. It's so awesome to see his face light up with the most simple things. Daddy however played some games and won bubba a big green ball out a huge crane game. Bubba loved watching everyone play that game. He would say "oh man" or "oh no" when they had the ball and it dropped. He could have sat there all day I think.

Saturday our whole family came over to celebrate my two year old angel. We had gumbo, alien cupcakes, Toy Story cake (of course) and Toy Story everywhere. Perfect for my angel baby boy. Oh and balloons. Bubba looooooved his balloons. I knew he would. Such a cutie! 

We sang happy birthday to Hudson twice for technical difficulties on a camera (haha) and he had the biggest smile both times. He knows he's special. He's loved so much from all of us. You can see it in his face.

Loved watching bubba open his presents. All smiles and lots of wows and whoas. Such a sweetie. He loves everything. He also LOVES cake. He licked the icing off the side of his cake and then wanted to eat a cupcake before opening a single present. How could you stick a cake in front of him (to sing happy birthday) and he not get a slice? Not happening. Sugar ought to be this boys middle name.

All night he chased cousin Noah around. It's so cute to see them run around together and pretty much be inseparable. When one is missing the other asks where that one is. It's a sad parting but we know next time we visit it will be just as much fun if not more.

We are so lucky to have such an awesome 2 year old. Oh I'll write more on this but on his birthday party day Hudson started climbing out of his crib and coming out of his room. So you say? We have a 2 story home. This 2 year old started a whole new crazy adventure for us on his birthday party day. More to come on that soon.

Happy Birthday my sweet angel. You make mommy and daddy the happiest people in the world. We love you angle.

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