Man this month has seen a lot of changes. My bubba is growing so fast. So guessed it...makes me want to cry. This past month about 3 weeks ago my bubba asked to go to bed in his big bed with me. I have been so fortunate to have rocked my baby to bed. This about killed me. I knew it would happen and maybe sometimes wondered when but it's been the most amazing experience ever. Now...before you go off telling me it's what's best for Hudson, trust me, I know what's best for my little man and there's nothing that I want more. However, just my thoughts...thanks to my husband, my work background and the two wonderful ladies (Lisa and DeeDee) I wouldn't have been able to work from home with Hudson. There's not a day that I don't thank my lucky stars. Having said that, my job at home is to work and also be there for my son 100%. Rocking him has allowed us to build this most amazing bond that's untouchable. I also owe a huge thanks to all of those who told me "hold on to what you have because it won't last forever." I'm taking their words literally. I hold my beautiful son and rock him. Our hearts touch every night. I'm so unbelievably thankful for this time that I was allowed to be this close. Don't get me wrong. He still wants me in his big bed with him as he falls asleep and I'll never tell him no....cause one day...he won't ask me.

My little man is talking about a storm. He said "hapa" for the first time and knows that it's grandpa. In fact, he knows and calls most of us by our names. I'm mommy of course. :) Hudson is usually shy around grandpa at first but he quickly warms up and wants to tell grandpa everything he does. It's so very cute.
New words? Most definitely. Too many to keep up. Hudson loves to tell us what he's done. What he's doing. Who he saw. What he did. He's amazing. I love it. Even if I have to put on my mom ears I totally understand most of what he says :). My little talker is growing way too fast.
This month I worked on introducing Hudson to Christmas. So...he's learned that "Santa eats cookies"...he'll tell you that. We read it in a book and it's what he remembers the most. Hudson absolutely loves every snowman he sees and does NOT want to sit on Santa's lap. They can talk. Just no sitting.

My favorite thing this month. Any time Hudson wakes up the first thing he usually says in his sweet voice to me is "Hiiiii mommmyyy." He says it so soft and sweet. Of course we are still like this (I'm crossing my pointer and middle finger). Always his go to gal. Hudson buries himself on purpose and says "help mommy." Any booboo he wants mommy to kiss it and he says "better" right after. Angel! Hudson LOVES lights. We go on a walk or car ride in the neighborhood. He points and says, "Look! More lights." This Christmas / Holiday season has been the best yet. More on that next. Let's just say..we're living up the holiday experience to it's fullest. Just to see my beautiful boy's expressions and attempts to understand just blows me away. I feel like I can never say it enough. He is amazing.
Hudson's activity level is still through the roof. This boy doesn't sit still for anything. thing. Toy Story 1, 2 and 3. Hudson could watch those over and over again. When they aren't on the tv he wants to go go go. Such a busy boy. Full of adventure and curiosity. And so much more pretend play this month. Bubba will pull out the pots and pans and say "I cook" or tuck his baby giraffe in for bed time and say "baby night night." Or roar at you with his "dino" or have the baby bears hug. Funniest thing is to see him wrestle with this Jeffery the Toys R Us giraffe pops gave him. I love to see him pretend. It's the highlight of a childhood. Imagination. He's got one for sure.

Another wonderful thing is bubba wants to "help" with EVERYTHING. It's awesome. He wants to load the dryer with me. Sweep the floor. Type on mommy's computer. Peel the orange. Anything you can think of...he wants to help. Showing me his awesome big brother abilities? Hmmm...we'll get him a sibling sooner or later :).
Hardest thing about this month? Entertaining a wild man with the time change and super cold weather. We take trips to Garden Ridge to jump the rugs. Academy to check out the boats. Anything to fulfill his adventurous heart's desires. Anything for him :)
Month after month this awesome boy of mine continues to amaze me. I never knew life before him. I never enjoyed it this much. And I'm just a bystander in this crazy world of Hudson watching him grow, learn and shine. I've got the best seat in the house. Life is good.
Love you my sweet angel. Can't believe you will be 2 next month.
-Luckiest mommy in the world.