Monday, September 24, 2012

8 Month Alligator Roller

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, boy this just gets more and more fun. Our little munchkin is 8 months and it’s been a whirlwind of craziness and joy. I’ve recently discovered that if I stimulate my booger enough he will have a wonderful night of sleep…(and so will I haha). We’ve been going to the park to swim (before it got cooler) and also play on the slide. Dada had to work a lot these past couple of months for the extension tax deadline so it was me and booger against the world. We missed dada though. Glad to have him back for awhile.

Bubba loves the swing and loves to climb up the slides. Not so fond of going down the slides but he loves to climb up them. It makes him so happy and makes my heart want to explode when I see how happy he is. Best smiles ever!

My “dada” philosophy: so apparently all babies say dada first. However, I’m not sure when they are supposed to. I’ve been saying dada so much to Hudson over the last few months that I sound like a broken record. On his 8 month birthday he was in his high chair while I was washing bottles and I thought I heard him repeat if after me but wasn’t sure. A few hours later I took him into our bathroom to crawl around and sure enough he repeated after me when I said dada. It was awesome. I’d like to think it was my persistent hard work but I’m sure it was just time for him to say “dadadadada.” For now, I’ll believe I had something to do with it :). Now if I can just teach him to say momma :). On another note, I don’t think he knows what dada is but he’s been a mimicker from 2 months old so…let’s just say I taught him something :).
Some exciting things this month:

1. Bubba not only has his two front bottom teeth but now has the two top front teeth and they are ADORABLE! I love baby teeth. They make the cutest smiles in the world!

2. Bubba is attached to momma big time. Bubba used to play by himself away from me but now has to have a hand on me or be sitting in my lap or right next to me. I always have to be within sight. One thing I learned from baby center is that if I tell him where I’m going and maybe even point he doesn’t cry and it works! Well…most times. Or he just follows me … which still works :).

3.  We bought him a walker! He had the backwards walk down as soon as we put him in it. It took some enticing to get him to walk forward but after a day of putting something he wanted in front of him he now has the walking forward down. He’s also at the point where he will stand on his own for about 10 seconds so I think walking on his own is coming soon. He is getting better at walking along furniture too. He’s pretty fearless which is just awesome!

4. Our hungry hungry hippo wants to eat whatever we are eating. He gets mad if you don’t offer a bite. So you either have to share or just eat it before he sees what you are eating…or that’s just what I do. However, he also loves to share his food too. He will be eating a mum mum and if you say “Om om” and lean forward he will put the cookie in your mouth. Such a sweet bubba :).

5. What’s he eating these days? Well, I will tell you that he absolutely hates baby lasagna. The look on his face was priceless. He does love pureed beef and vegetables. Doesn’t surprise me he’s a meat eater. He also loves baby mac-n-cheese as well as the real deal. Who doesn’t love mac-n-cheese? Believe it or not…he doesn’t like Oreos! I soaked in Oreo in milk and then gave him a bite and he made a sour face. What!?!?! Doesn’t take after his momma in that sense :).

6. How’s he sleeping? Like a champ! With lots of activity before bed time and before naps he sleeps 9-10 hours at night and then takes 1 hour naps after each feeding during the day (about 3). This little man wares himself out!

7. Bubba doesn’t lay down in the tub anymore. I need to do some research on how to bathe him now lol. Might just have to get in with him. He wants to stand in the bathtub. Scares me! It’s slippery. I’ll have to figure this one out. LOL…the dilemmas of a new mom.

8. Took bubba to get allergy testing because I thought a few bites of my peanut butter sandwich gave him a rash (yes…I said peanut butter..more on that in a few). Found out that bubba is not allergic to peanuts, wheat or dairy. A few weeks ago I gave him a bite of my peanut butter sandwich because I read somewhere that I could give him peanut butter now. Well…he had a rash and so I called the on-call nurse that night and she told me I could give him Bennadryl. Took him to the dr the next day so they could check it out and the nurses acted like a committed a crime. Then I told the dr that I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to give it to him and she said I could give it to him at 6 months. I’m getting mixed signals here lol. Anyhow, apparently the drs I talked to said that they are starting to wonder if so many kids have allergies now because they were told to not feed them certain things until they are 1 or 2. So, now, the idea is that if you give it to them and their body can handle it you should give it to them as much as possible. So…we’ll see how it goes.

9. Last but not least, This blog is titled alligator roller because this crazy ball of energy rolls fast than an alligator when you try to change his diaper. Hint to new parents. Don't buy any new furniture or replace any carpet you have before you have a baby. Wait until they are 18. Haha!

Well, this is getting long so until next time :) Happy 8 Month Birthday bubba! We are so lucky to have you!! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

It's a's a's Hudson!

We have decided that it might be time to invest in a rabbit water bottle to install on the inside of Hudson's crib. Hahaha!

This little wild boy reminds us of a baby goat the way he likes to drink his bottles. Our little goof ball!

                                                                  See the resemblance?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cutest Baby Ever

Ok I just have to post a few photos and add captions. Hudson just gets cuter by the minute!

Passed out and looking just like his daddy! I love when I can see both of us in him, especially his daddy. So fun :)

Eating breakfast in bed on mommy while holding daddy's hand. Has to have us both :) <3 p="p">
Learning a bad habit from daddy (haha..jk)...already a baseball fan...

Look at this hair! Just love my sweet adorable goofy boy!

Teeth are showing for sure! Such an awesome smile!

Mommy look at my adorable feet :)

Yes, I could be a model. I prefer a full time gig with my mom :)

Loving the play pin :) and the nice cool mornings

Sweetest angel in the world!!

I can see the camera over there. Go ahead...take another cute one :) hehe

Sweetest sleeping angel in the world.
Man....I'm the luckiest person in the world!

Determined To Swing...and some

So one day we went to Nanny, Noah and Jame's house and Hudson got to play in Noah's swing for a moment and he LOVED it. Biggest smile every. So..what did mommy do? Try to buy the swing at Wal Mart where nanny got Noah's.

Went to Wal Mart to get my oil changed on Labor Day (big mistake haha 2 hour wait) and thought I would get Hudson the swing and get a walker. Lucky me they didn't have the walker and the swing was, and I quote, "A Summer item, we no longer carry it," per the clerk. I thought...hmmmm...101 degrees outside and the official day of Fall hasn't arrived....sounds like Summer to me haha. Oh well. I went home and ordered it on Amazon!

However, I was determined to let Hudson swing so we went on down to our beloved neighborhood park and Hudson got to swing for the first time in a baby swing!

Cutie Patootie

Mommy's Main Squeeze


Best Smile Ever!