Saturday, February 27, 2016

8 Month Old Particular Eater

Have to admit (thanks to google) I thought my princess had some issue with eating food. There was an article I read about feeding therapist and boyee you can get carried away with that stuff. Come to find out she does not like baby food and LOVES mama's cooked food. You name it she eats it. Chicken skins (a Hudson favorite), turkey loaf, spaghetti, fig newtons (I didn't make that haha), toast with jelly....she loves flavor! Her all time favorite right now is malt-o meal with butter, sugar and cinnamon. She screams for it. 

Grace's first word in the morning is bubba. She's always looking for him when he's not awake yet and he's always top of mind. When she wants me she says mama. It's like music to my ears :). I've been working on a few new words. With my nutty repetition I'm sure she'll come around some time or just think her momma is crazy. 

Cutest thing ever, maw maw taught her "no no no" with her head. If you say that to Grace she starts shaking her head. 

She's such a good listener right now (hehe). I don't say no to her nearly as much as most first time parents think is important (yes I'm guilty here - sorry Hudson). So any time Grace is going for an electrical outlet, wires or bathroom floors if I tell Grace no no sissy she stops, looks at me and looks as if she's thinking...well ok mom I won't do that. 

The last month she has gotten so strong. Pulling herself up on everything and walking along our grey couch. While I agree this couch needs to go eventually it's been the perfect walking couch for both of our babies. It's my favorite part about the couch (the only thing I like about it haha). Grace pulls herself up and walks side to side. She's standing up for a good 30 seconds without holding onto anything. She's so thinking about moving forward and I'm thinking (SLOW DOWN CHILD). I have to say, she learns 90% of what she does from her bubba. He's such a sweet bubba to her and she's trying to keep up. Soon enough the 2 of them will be running around together. 

The second child woes. My poor princess gets sick way more than Hudson did. She catches everything Hudson gets and boyeee they've been through the wringer this sick season. I'm hopeful that truly means less illnesses when they start school because there has to be silver lining to that. It effects her so much more than an older child and makes me so sad for her. You can tell it truly makes her feel different. My poor angel. I'm looking forward to Spring/Summer and less yucky germs. Eek!

Dislikes, this one is comical (sorry Grace). If you barely touch Grace's foot or hand to a piece of grass she will scream like a snake bit her. Now this is funny because 1. It's crazy to think that a piece of grass can set off an easy going baby and 2. I did this exact thing when I was a baby. Is it hereditary? I don't know but my parents said they knew I was safe if they put me on a blanket because I wasn't going anywhere LOL. 

This angel of ours is so easy going and along for the ride no matter what we do. She loves to watch her bubba and is secretly planning her future from all that she learns from her sweet bubba.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

7 month old cuddle bug

I'm behind..lots going on lately. Where's the time?

Our little angel is all over the place. She's starting to pull herself up on everything and falling like free willy. She's learning slowly but surely how to fall Gracefully (hehe) but there's been a couple of ouchies.

Look at this adorable face! She makes her mommy's heart go crazy!

Grace has now has 7 teeth. You think she would be able to eat a burger by now but she's so picky! She's a texture baby for sure. She is getting over double ear infections so that really made her not like food. She doesn't like baby fruit. We tried avocado and she didn't like it. BUT I gave her Strawberry yogurt and she liked it! Opened her mouth each time when the spoon was close. I'm so glad she likes it. Poor baby's earaches were making the eating front hard on her. 

Usually Grace loves to fall asleep either laying down or rocking but facing outward. This month she turned around to snuggle me. I'm so over the top happy about her snuggling me. She's so independnt but this month my angel is snuggling mommy, hiding her face in my chest when she's shy, letting mommy soak in the best snuggles in the world. 

We tried the swing outside this month. It's a little too chilly for the swing yet but I think she will love it when it's warm out. She's a trooper trying out whatever we throw at her :)

This month we also sat her up in the tub. Watching her discover water for the first time is the most adorable thing ever! She kept grabbing at it and making a face like she was thinking why can't I pick this up. So adorable. 

This little angel has the best smile. Just love making her smile. She's forever in love with her bubba and I'm the luckiest mommy in the world. 

I'm so far behind. Next comes blogs on my amazing 4 year old and my now 8 month old :)