Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hudson Consoles Sissy and More

I've been meaning to write a few cute things bubba tells sissy. And a few other things he has said. 

When we gave Grace her first bath she was not happy. She cried a lot. Bubba helped and he was telling her, "It's ok sissy. Mommy is almost done."

One morning sissy was crying bubba told us "I will be right back." He went to grab his little piano and said "I'm playing a song for her. I think she likes it." 

When we brought Grace home from the hospital bubba looked at Grace's belly button and said, "Her belly button looks kind of old." 

Some proud mommy moments:

We were playing with a pretend friend one morning and Hudson told me it was a brachiosaurus. I started talking to his pretend friend and asked what time period he was from. Hudson tells me, "Hi friend, I'm from the Jurassic time period." Can't believe he remembered that. My smarty pants. 

Some more proud moments. Daddy has been teaching bubba to count really high. And mommy has been working on letters with bubba. He can most definitely trace/copy letters. Just yesterday he wrote a few on request for aunt shee. I'm really proud of my bubba. He's always been so smart to me. His brain never seizes to amaze me. 


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