Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hudson Consoles Sissy and More

I've been meaning to write a few cute things bubba tells sissy. And a few other things he has said. 

When we gave Grace her first bath she was not happy. She cried a lot. Bubba helped and he was telling her, "It's ok sissy. Mommy is almost done."

One morning sissy was crying bubba told us "I will be right back." He went to grab his little piano and said "I'm playing a song for her. I think she likes it." 

When we brought Grace home from the hospital bubba looked at Grace's belly button and said, "Her belly button looks kind of old." 

Some proud mommy moments:

We were playing with a pretend friend one morning and Hudson told me it was a brachiosaurus. I started talking to his pretend friend and asked what time period he was from. Hudson tells me, "Hi friend, I'm from the Jurassic time period." Can't believe he remembered that. My smarty pants. 

Some more proud moments. Daddy has been teaching bubba to count really high. And mommy has been working on letters with bubba. He can most definitely trace/copy letters. Just yesterday he wrote a few on request for aunt shee. I'm really proud of my bubba. He's always been so smart to me. His brain never seizes to amaze me. 


Thursday, July 16, 2015

1 Month Old Princess Grace

Today my beautiful angel Grace is 1 month old. How did that fly by? Wow...please let time slow down. 

She has finally given up on fussing about her sweet big brother heavily adoring her (aka smothering) with kisses, hugs and sweet doting words. Before she would turn her head side to side as her big brother would get about half an inch away from her face. Now she willingly lays there. I kid you not, she's under his sweet spell. She smiles when he kisses her and you can't break her gaze if Hudson has her attention. We have no doubts these two will be inseparable. Once she can move they aren't going to look back. 

We did a little tummy time so far. Instead of Grace raising her head she's moving her legs like crazy and even moved forward a tiny bit. What?!? She's already trying to move. She's 1 month old. Slow down little girl. What am I kidding myself. She's going to be just like her big brother. 

How's her sleeping? I'm afraid to say in case of jinxing myself but...I have to set alarms at night right now to feed her. And sometimes we both sleep through the alarm for an hour. She's been an excellent sleeper at night since we brought her home. I'm going to thank my lucky stars for that one. She loves to be up for stretches at a time during the day where we get to see those beautiful blues her and her brother both got from their daddy and we get to play for a bit. She's our 2nd active little booger. 

Oh the sweet sound of Grace. Her sweet baby sounds are like music to my ears. I love to hear her talk. I tell bubba she's talking to you and he gets down next to her and says "hi baby girl". Then tells her she's his big girl. 

How's Hudson with all of this? He is in love with her. If he says "Grace, I love you" and you tell him you love him he says, "I was talking to Grace." Move over everyone his baby sister is all his. He has become the best big brother we knew he would. Funny though if you come over to visit he will tell you Grace wakes up, goes to sleep, wakes up and cries all day long. Hudson also prefers "all 4 of us" do everything together. So for this month we all 4 have been to the pool (even though mommy and sissy can't get in yet - I will gladly sit pool side in no bathing suit), Cabelas, HEB, to get donuts, to mawmaw and pawpaws house for the 4th of July weekend. Staying home with a toddler and a baby just isn't possible. I foresee a lot more adventurous outings with Grace then the typical 3 months in the house you should do. 

We all are so in love with our angel Grace that completes our little family. Happy 1 month princess. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Elbow Muscle

Did I ever tell you that Hudson loves for you to feel his muscles. The one he likes you to feel the most is his elbow. My sweet boy thinks his hard elbow is one amazingly strong muscle. Makes mommy laugh but it's so cute. 

I tell him protein makes his muscles stronger. He take a bite of eggs "mommy feel my muscle (aka elbow)". Take another bite "mommy feel it now." With an excited response to his "growing muscles" he eats all of his food. I just love his imagination.