Monday, June 23, 2014

2 Father's Day weekends 2014

After our awesome fishing trip for Karl's birthday we decided we were going to take our dad's fishing again for a Father's Day present.

We tried to surprise our dads on father's day but pawpaw found out early due to the fact that his daughter (that's me) not being able to lie - pawpaw asked me if we were fishing for fathers day as a joke and I said "noooo…."  I have a horrible poker face. I said, "dad! don't ask me those questions! I can't lie!"

The day started off with Shipley's and bacon for daddy and then we got the dads together to eat BBQ and surprised pops. As soon as we surprised him I could see the planning wheels turning. He was ready to go! We all were :). 

We had the family over and it was so much fun :). Hudson had a blast with cousin Noah splashing in the baby pool and then of course went to the pool and enjoyed the sun :). 

To get our fishing trip started pawpaw, Hudson and I packed up the truck and headed down a day early. We stayed at the camper. With an interesting arrival at midnight Hudson wanted his bed but was ready to go the next day. He was in the camper and having a blast. A new place to explore. AKA pawpaw's trick to show mommy & daddy that Hudson can stay in the camper just fine and that means more fishing trips! YAY! :) 

 We took Hudson to the beach and he loved it. I thought he wouldn't want to get in the water. Sure enough it only took seeing mommy step in and he quickly and fearlessly followed. Sinking his feet in the sand screaming "where did my feet go" to picking up shells with hermit crabs. He loved it. We then fished a little before we headed to the house we rented. 

We picked up the keys and headed to the house. Unloaded our stuff and headed back to the dock to fish and watch the boats load. Daddy, nana and pops showed up and we met everyone back at the house for some yummy burgers and good conversation :). 

Saturday Hudson slept until 9:30! His naps were all different and he was exhausted from all the fun. He slept good. So did mommy. We fished with nana, shee and Thomas for awhile, took a boat ride, and then hit up the beach. Hudson built sandcastles. It was wonderful. I've never brought him to the beach before. So happy to know now I can :). He was a trooper. Love peaking his curiosity and watching him enjoy himself. That Saturday night we surprised everyone with gumbo for dinner. Karl made it on Wednesday and froze it for the trip. It was soooooo good. :)

Sunday we got up and hit the beach one more time before saying good bye. Hudson was ready to go home but I know he had a wonderful time. I just love making my bubba happy. It makes me the happiest mommy ever. All in all it was a wonderful weekend had by all. Can't wait to do it again :). 

29 month old independence

Not sure if Hudson did research on July 4th but boy has he been exercising his independence. You won't go a whole day without Hudson saying "all by myself" at least once. Mr. Independent wants to do things all by himself. He even wants to go outside by himself which mommy absolutely will not let him do. Luckily enough I can reason with him.

How's talking this month? How's not talking? He never stops and it's absolutely amazing. I love hearing his little voice and all of the fun things he says. He so literal. I wake him up and ask him how he slept last night and he tells me "in my bed." Call him my sweet baby boy he says "I'm not a baby, I'm Hudson." (Whew glad he doesn't say "big boy" yet. Still want my baby). 

Favorite things to do right now? Fish, swim, play in the back yard, water mommy's plants, eat candy, and so much more. Last month we couldn't get him in the water. This month he tells me "mommy, I have to go to the pool." Last time we were in the water he swam "all by himself." 

Hudson's BFF? Cousin Noah. He cries for him. Misses him. Can never wait to see him. They play so sweetly together while being boys. They are the best of friends. 

I love our little family and our home we've created. He never wants to leave. He loves being in his backyard playing on his swing set, splashing in his baby pool or cooking in his little house that our sweet neighbors gave us. Looooooove hand-me-downs. Our neighbors have 2 boys that are 6 and 4. They are so sweet to give us still their boys have grown out of. We have been unbelievably lucky. 

We've been taking Saturday morning trips to Shipleys. Hudson and daddy have their usual. Hudson loooooves his sprinkles. His eyes get wide and he takes his bite. Daddy has the best Saturday morning ideas. 

He loves to count (below he's counting his shells with napa), ride on his rocking rider pony that we'll have to mount to the ground soon (they should call it bunking rider pony), and I LOVE when he lets me hold him like a baby every once in a while.

His pretend play has increased so much. He loves flying anything that looks like a plane. Grabbing Dino's to have them have a fight and then says "let's be friends" and makes them kiss. He cooks us pancakes and sausage. He's never seen superman or Spider-Man but he wants to be both. 

This is the month of the best kisses ever. He grabs your head and kisses you so hard his little head is shaking. Seriously. Best. Kiss. Ever. My angel is wild but still so sweet. Touching his forhead to mine as he falls asleep at night. Always grabbing our hands as we go on walks. We are forever the luckiest parents in the world. What a privilege it is to be HGF's parents. 

One last thing in closing. Our wise hapa always looks at our son and says "he's full of piss and vinegar...and isn't it wonderful?" I couldn't agree more. From going one million miles a minute, to crazy jumping that makes you cringe for his safety, to screaming, digging, mud slinging, smart conversation carrier to my big time sweet snuggler and kisser. This is why I'm the luckiest mom in the world.