Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our New House!

Hey everyone! We bought a house! It's BEAUTIFUL.

I can't wait to move in. We close on October 30th. It's everything we dreamed of. It only took us about a month to find it. We had been searching for homes with bigger lots and big enough home to fit a family in but all we could find were one story homes that covered up most of the lot. So, we found this home that had a smaller lot but sent up in square feet instead of out. It's in a beautiful neighborhood. It's on a hill so we can still see homes behind us but we can also see hills. I love it.

It has four bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. We're planning on having 2 (maybe 3) children so this will fit us well. It has the most beautiful wood floors. They are hand carved and dark.

Another great thing is that we live less than a mile away from Matt & Sienna. They are the most adorable couple ever and they have 2 beautiful baby boys. They are the sweetest people ever.

It's going to be so amazing living in our own house together. I can't even imagine what it will be like. I just know that I'm extremely excited.
We have a lot of furniture shopping to do! I'll post more pictures once I move in and add my personal style :).

Annual Cubs Game

Did I ever tell you that Karl and I have started a tradition of going to at least 1 Cubs game every year? We've been going ever since we've been together. We believe that their success depends on us....ok...maybe that isn't true but I do feel like the year we don't go we'll cause them to not do as well as they could have. You know how it superstitions.

The first year we were together I bought Karl tickets for his birthday. We sat in the nose bleed section because I wasn't sure where to get them. I know now that the best place to sit is behind the bullpen for the Astro's. This is where you can catch a lot of home runs. It's also fun to stand there while they are having their pre-game batting practice. A LOT of home runs are hit over in this area.

One year Karl caught one and handed it to the little kid next to him. Come to think of it he's done that a few times. He's such a sweetheart. I can't wait to have kids so he can catch one for them too.

Next year we are planning to go to Chicago for our 3 year wedding anniversary to see the Cubs play. I'm SO EXCITED! I can't wait to be with all of the fans and be able to celebrate appropriately. Most of our friends are Astro's fans so it's kind of hard for us to gloat.

We've also decided that once we have kids we'll plan all of our family vacations around the Cub's games. We figured it would be so neat to go to at least one of their games in a different stadium.

I've put some pictures up from the last two years. I can't wait to show you guys the ones from Chicago. Be on the lookout for this next summer.


Karl and I just celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary in July. We were planning to go to Chicago this year but our plans didn't work out. We WILL go next year though.

Since we weren't able to go I decided to plan a secret date to Mangia. It's a restaurant that has Chicago style pizza. I figured if we couldn't go to Chicago I would bring a little piece of Chicago to us. I sent Karl directions and told him to meet me after work (it was on a Tuesday). Little did I know that he was going to pop the directions into google and find out where we were going (what a stinker). After work we pulled up and Karl had a BEAUTIFUL rose and gladiola arrangement for me. It was so beautiful. I decided to bring my flowers into the restaurant because I didn't want them to get ruined in the car.

We walked in and the hostess asked us what the occasion was. We told her it was our 2 year wedding anniversary and she looked at us like we were crazy and said "Congratulations." I guess you could say that we didn't have typical wedding anniversary celebration but we liked it. For our 1 year anniversary we went to Buffalo Wings & Rings because it's our FAVORITE restaurant. I never like buffalo wings until we found that place. :)

We were seated and we got a medium sized deep dish pizza. It was HUGE. I could have eaten on it for a week. I liked the pizza but the only thing I didn't like about it is that the tomato sauce is on top of the cheese and I like the cheese more than I like the tomato sauce. Overall it was a pretty good pizza. The waiter also asked us what the occasion was and after we told him he said, "Wow, thanks for sharing that with us." It was funny and we had fun :).

Our 7 year dating anniversary is this Wednesday. I can't believe we've been together that long. It's been so much fun. I get to be with my best friend every day. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Did I tell you that we were getting a house? I'll write my next blog on that. It's BEAUTIFUL! Closing date is October 30th! Less than a month away :)